"What are you thinking about?" She asked softly, as if her voice enough had killed Natalie and it'd only happen again. It would.

"Why did she starve herself?" He asked harshly, still not looking at her.

"Who knows..." She said still with a little bit of glee, to which he caught on and looked at her. He leaned into her and put an arm around her waist, pulling her into his side. His lips fanned her ear.

"What did you do?" He nuzzled his nose into her skin. "I know you're faking. You couldn't give a rat's ass for the chick." She hid her smile as she leaned farther into him.

"Only two weeks and you already get me." Her nose skimmed his cheek. "I didn't do anything I just don't care." She whispered into his ear and she felt his fingers digging farther into her side.

"I don't know why," He whispered. "but that turns me on so much."

"Bit fucked up don't you think?" She told him pulling away with a smirk that she quickly hid away, replacing it with her sad expression. "I think I need some time alone." She sniffled turning away from him with a wink and walking towards the door.

"Are you okay Faith? I know you really cared for Natalie." Caroline's sniffling form pulled away from a grim Matt. Her bright blue eyes shimmering with tears as she looked up at Faith.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just ca-can't believe it happened." She cupped her mouth to hold in her tears and Damon stood up to give her a hug.

"You're ridiculously good." His lips grazed her neck.

"Tell me something I don't know." She whispered back before pulling away, sending a kind smile to Caroline and walking out the door, leaving them all back in the room.


When Faith reached her room, she felt him. The sheer power of her father radiated from her room. She fixed herself and opened the door. Her father stood in the center of the room, facing the window though she knew better than to think he didn't know she was there. She closed the door and stepped up to him, putting her hands behind her back.

"Hello father." Her soft voice the only sound in the room. Her father tilted his head and slowly turned to her. His face grim.

"Faith." His deep voice sent chills through her skin. "I just received word that a soul, from here, has reached the underworld." Faith's face betrayed nothing as he spoke. "How exactly did she die, Faith?" He took a cautious step towards her.

"She starved herself, father."

"Was this your doing?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I did not keep her from eating, if that's what you're implying." She kept her eyes away from his. He stared at her for a long while before stepping back.

"Very well." Faith almost released her breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "How are your studies?" He started walking around the room.

"Straight A's, father." He nodded in approval.

"Found anyone... special, yet?" His kept his voice neutral, but she knew better. As she opened her mouth to respond the door swung open.

"Hey, Faith! Caroline was go-" Damon stopped midsentence as he took in Faith's father's death glare. "Um..." His eyes shifted back and forth from the two of them.

"Father, this is Damon. A friend of mine." She said with her soft voice, innocent voice.

"Um... hi Mr Hellior." He stuck his hand out for him to shake, and Faith's father gripped his hand tight and she saw him flinch slightly.

"Please, call me Lucifer." His grin was as wicked as the first witch. Damon suddenly grinned.

"That's ironic." Faith took in a breath.

"How so?" Her father asked with furrowed brows.

"Well, your name is that of the Devil, no offense, and your daughter's name is Faith. Sorry it just seemed kind of ironic to me." His grin disappeared as quickly as it came and his face went back into neutrality.

"I don't take offense to it actually. You hit the nail on the head. How about you and I make a deal?" Faith's father asked him with a mischievous grin and before Damon could answer, Faith did it for him.

"No, he's fine." Her father raised a brow at her with a knowing smile.

"Very well. I'll see you next time, my little demon." He gave her a kiss on the top of her head and left.

She didn't move from her position until she felt his presence gone. Then she turned towards Damon with blinding speed and shoved him against the wall.

"What were you thinking?! "Oh it's ironic. Ha let me just joke with the goddamned Devil!"" Faith was seething.

"Calm the fuck down!" He growled flipping them so he was holding her to the wall. "Why did you say no? I wanted to make a deal, make a good impression."

"Because you'd literally be making a deal with the Devil." She said with a bored tone making him chuckle as he leaned in.

"Come on, he can't be that bad."

"You have no idea." She muttered closing her eyes and resting her head on the wall. "He was here because of Natalie." She whispered slightly.

Damon's hands had let go of her wrists and now held her waists. His nose was nuzzled into the crook of her neck while her hands played with the hairs on the back of his neck. His lips grazed her skin as he spoke.

"What did he want with Natalie?" Her body ached for his lips on hers but he teased her, and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

She grabbed his jaw and pulled it to her, barely an inch between their lips. Their eyes stayed glued to each other as he pressed his body closer to hers.

"He's a lawyer, literally the best in the world. He has a thing for liars and confessions." She muttered letting her lips graze his.

"Really?" He mumbled disinterested. His fingers started drawing circular patterns on her skin.

"Yep." She whispered huskily before easily ducking out of his hold and walking to the bean bag chair. She plopped down and grabbed the remote.

"You are such a tease." He growled as he dropped down onto the other bean bag.

"You know it." She winked with a grin as he chucked a pillow at her.

The Devil's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें