I got back on my horse and looked for the rest of my squad. I was all alone, as there was not a soul in sight. How long had I taken to kill that one titan? I frantically turned my head for any sign of life and there it was, a titan holding the body of a man. There was another rotting titan corpse beside that one, so someone must've taken the other ten meter out. This was a new one though. I sat there on my horse as still as a pole and watched as one of my own was about to be devoured. There was nobody else with him, not a horse or another soldier. I was going to be the only person to see him die, to witness this man's last moments. I couldn't clearly see who it was but I did see a flash of blonde in the sun. The titan lifted the man closer to its mouth and held him between his teeth around his stomach. The titan then shook its head violently so it could pull the man in half with force.

The top half of the man came flying out of the mouth of the titan with speed towards me. It stopped about five metres to the left of me and I could now clearly make out the identity of the man.

His eyes were open and a dull shade of blue. His hair was in-fact blonde and his arm was positioned above his head with his mouth slightly open. No, this couldn't be. It was Farlan.

The whole world stopped turning as I took a couple of steps towards my now deceased best friend. My vision was now blurred with tears and my hearing was pierced. I knelt on my knees and cried warm tears. They fell centimetres away from his corpse and dampened the ground. At that moment, it started to rain heavily. I pulled my hood over my head and placed my fingers on Farlan's eyelids to close them gently. I kissed his bloody forehead and stood up with even more tears streaming down my face.

This was getting to be too much for me. I had just witnessed my friend's death that I may have been able to stop if I wasn't so scared and weak. I didn't want to do it anymore and my life would never be the same without him.

I soon heard a deep growl coming from above me. I looked up to see the titan, that had just killed one of the people that I loved most, staring down at me with a creepy smile drawn across it's ugly face. Its hand came closer to my shaking body and sent my horse running off into the distance. It wrapped its strong fingers around my frame and picked me off the ground with no trouble. This was it, my end. There was no use in fighting it, as the titan had crushed my gear in its tight grip, so my sword would have made no difference to the matter. I closed my eyes and awaited my end. Any moment now I would be taken away from all of this pain and be in a better place, with my mother, father, and Farlan.

Some seconds had passed and I was still awaiting my end, but there was nothing. I opened my eyes to see a short cloaked figure coming towards me on 3DM gear. He flew around the back of the titan and sliced it with one fowl swoop. The titan began to fall to the ground with me still in its grip. I couldn't move as my chest and legs had been crushed along my gear because of the pressure applied with the titans grasp. I began descending to the ground when the cloaked figure came back around to the front of the titan and sliced its fingers, narrowly missing me. The man pulled me from the titans hand and held me bridal style while gently landing on the wet grass, at least ten metres away from the steaming corpses.

I looked at the face of my saviour and sure enough it was Levi. His eyes were wide and frightened, but still determined. A tear was threatening to spill from his eye, but he didn't allow it to fall. He laid me down on the ground and pulled my hood off, examining my face.

I had a few small cuts on my cheeks, but that was nothing compared to the pain I was feeling in my legs and along my chest.

"Did I get you with my sword?" He asked.

"N-no" I coughed out.

"Are you in any pain?" He questioned.

"Yes, along my chest and my legs. I think its hand crushed me a bit." I answered.

You're mine, right?-Levi Ackerman(Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat