Death Trap....

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*Alex's POV*

After talking with Tobin about how we're both feelings, and also arguing with the doctors, we were finally cleared. Tobin's wound had started to heal very quickly due to her..... magical powers, and so she was also cleared to play soccer. 

Which was important, due to the fact that we are seniors and it was spirit week. As I watched Tobin childishly race out of the hospital and throw her arms wide open as she jumped down the stairs like a star fish. 

And when you do that, you belly flop into the cement. Which is a very stupid decision... so I honestly have no idea what my Tobin is doing. 

Feeling a sense of worry grow inside me, I rush out the hospital too, just in time to see Tobin in someone else's arms. 

My Tobin.

In someone else's arms. 

That's something I won't allow. 

As I swallow my bubbling anger, I try to put up a calm facade and walk towards them to find out who this stupid bish is. Clenching and unclenching my fists, I seem to have already controlled my anger in time as I reached Tobin. I lightly tapped Tobin's shoulder.

"HEYYY LEX!" Her brown locks brush my face as she turned towards me. Her bright smile internally melts me into puddles. 

Snapping out of it, I put on my best smile as of right now. 

"Hey. Toby, who is this?" As Tobin stepped back so I could face this...bish... my anger immediately bubbled up again. 


"Hey, I'm Christen. Tobin's good friend." She sticks her hand out and as I studied her facial features, I can tell that she is actually genuine. 

Maybe she's not that bad. 

Changing my attitude back to the Alex Morgan, "Hey Christen! I'm Alex!" I stopped my tongue from saying, "Tobin's best friend," because that might've sounded like I was comparing her to me. 

Even though I am.

And I think I'm better. 

But that's not the point. 

We had a great conversation for a decent time, and I was actually starting to like this girl...

Until she pulled out a rose and gave it to Tobin. 

If I was a cartoon character, you would've saw a black cloud on top of my head. 

Then you would've saw me freeze and turn black and white in sadness, because Tobin accepted it and also gave her a hug.

And that wasn't the fan-hug.

That was the, more-than-friend-hug. 

And that really frickin hurts.

Christen had offered to drive her home, in which I had to finally step up. 

"Nah, I think Tobin is fine. I brought my car and I can drive her home. I will drive her home. Thank you for your time, I will be driving her home." As I gave Christen a quick smile, I quickly dragged Tobin out of her eyesight. 



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