Sasuke x reader

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Beginning is normal

~Reader's P.O.V~

I was walking down the road to go to Naruto's house, him and I are friends, we met at a young age and soon after became friends. While I walked up to the door I smelled food, 'must be making something', I thought while knocking on the door.

"Coming!" I heard a boys voice shout, and a few seconds after the door burst open and there stood the blond haired boy, my best friend."Hey ____! How's it going?" he said while smiling.

 "Good, thanks! Can i come in?" I said while smiling as well, he nodded and stepped aside to let me come in.

"Sure!" and I walked into the house, "I made some ramen here have some" he said as he shoved a bowl of ramen into my face when I finally sat down.

"Ok" I said as I picked up some chopsticks and broke them apart. I took a bite of the ramen and hummed in content, then said "this is great Naruto I love it!", he smiled even wider. As I ate happily I started to think back to when Naruto met me.

~~Flash Back~~ 

"Stop please! I didn't do anything to you!" I yelled to the kids and parents that were throwing rocks and items at me.

"You monster!", "you don't belong in this world!". I heard them yell as I started crying.

"Hey! Stop!" I heard someone yell, everyone looked up and ran away. From my blurry eyes I could make out blond hair, blue eyes, and whiskers looking down at me then everything went black.

~Naruto's P.O.V~

I was walking towards the swing by my school, when I saw a girl getting picked on by parents and children I wanted to know what was wrong. So I went over to see why this girl was getting picked on, when I seen them starting to throw rocks, books, and ya know hard stuff. (Lenny face)

"Stop please! I didn't do anything to you!" I heard her yell as she curled into a ball and started crying.

"You monster!", "you don't belong in this world!" They yelled at her.

'Monster? How Is she a monster?' I thought to myself while I yelled "Hey! Stop!", they all looked at me and ran away with angry faces. I sighed and ran over to the girl that got hurt, "hey are you ok?" I said and shook her, but she was out cold. So me being the "good" person I am, I picked her up and brought her back to my house.(What the heck am I writing...)

~~Time Skip brought to you by Sasuke with a pancake on his head~~

As we got home I laid her on my bed and went to make ramen for when she wakes up. As soon as the ramen was done she was starting to wake up. "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked, worry lacing my voice.

"h-huh?" she mumbled quietly then opened her eyes, I smiled widely.

"Hi my names Naruto Uzumaki! What's your name?" I asked nicely, she just looked around and guessed I wasn't a threat seeing as I didn't kill her yet.(does that sound creepy? to me it does)

"M-my name's (y/n), what am I doing here exactly?" she asked, looking at me then smiling slightly.

"I saw you getting picked on by the villagers, so I came and saved you!...But why were they picking on you exactly?" I asked tilting my head showing my confusion. She put her head down slightly and sighed.

"Thank you for saving me but...if I tell you too, then you will pick on me as well" She said her sadness evident in her voice. I frowned slightly putting a bowl of ramen on a table next to her. 

"Don't worry, I won't pick on you. I promise." I said reassuringly. She sighed again.

(Warning: Crack begins)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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