Leo x Corrin - Confessions

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"You're pretty stupid." Leo said bluntly, tilting his head and squinting his eyes at Corrin.

"Am not." Corrin replied childishly giving him a glare.

"Then how do you explain your half burned down room." Leo shot back narrowing his eyes even more.

Corrin had recently begun learning magic to help her fighting techniques. She was reading a tome late at night when her candle went out. Thinking she could use her new found skills to re light the candle, she instead lit up the table. That fire quickly spread across half the room. Leo arrived in time to save the day.

Leo luckily was on his way to his own room when he smelled smoke and rushed to Corrins aide.

"It was an accident." The princess said looking down at the ground ashamed.

"You're just lucky I was able to make it time. If I hadn't been there then you could be a pile of ashes!" The blonde lectured.

"Don't be so dramatic Leo, But nonetheless thanks for helping me put out the fire."

"You've got the devils own luck." Leo smiled at her. But the smile quickly reversed itself back to a frown." You still haven't explained why your room is on fire."

"...gah Ok fine whatever. I was just lighting a candle." Corrin muttered looking a way from her handsome younger brother.

"You burned down your room by... Lighting a candle? You really are stupid." Leo sighed shaking his head.

"Wellllll Ok it was because I was using a fire tome." Corrin trued to explain.

"Since when did you take up magic?" The Nohrian prince asked looking surprised.

"Last week."

"And why did you not come to me for help?"

"I wanted to surprise you." Corrin admitted sheepishly.

"Well, you burning down your room sure did a number on me." Leo smirked shaking his head in dismay.

"Not that kind of surprise though!" Corrin protested.

"Whatever. It's getting pretty late, I'll help you with the tomes tomorrow, Ok?"

"Slight problem..." Corrin said giving a weak smile.

"What? You don't want my help?" Leo asked feeling a little hurt.

"No! That's not it, just I kinda don't have a bed soooo I guess I'll have to sleep in your room." Corrin grinned nervously and gave a shrug.

Leos face turned as red as the tomatoes he liked so much. This was just too much for the poor boy. He had a slight sister complex after the whole realization of how they weren't related. Sleeping in the same room would be incredibly awkward for him.

* * *

"Don't be so grumpy." The dragon princess giggled.

"You'd be grumpy too if you where being kicked out of the bed so someone else could sleep there." Leo grumbled crossing his arms.

The two where currently in Leo's very neat and tidy room with a gazillion of books everywhere.

"Oh but who said I was kicking you put of the bed? We can share!" She said.

"N-no! Most certainly not." Leo sputtered feeling more and more embarrassed.

"We used to share a bed all the time when we where younger. It shouldn't be a big deal." Corrin pointed out putting her hands on her hips. "Plus we are just siblings so its really no biggie."

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