35. Same color as the stars you'll be seeing shortly

Start from the beginning

"She didn't tell you the code when she gave it to you?"

"She always enjoyed puzzles," I say thoughtfully. "But it's not like she could've told me anyway, it was gifted to me in her will."

"Oh." He says simply. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, now I feel bad for taking it."

"And you didn't feel bad before?" I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry."

"And I'm over it," I state as I turn and leave the room.

"Zack!" I call out as I make my way downstairs. "Zack!" I yell again. No answer. "ZACK!"

"What!?" I hear him yell angrily. "Stop yelling in my damn house!"

"You're the one who's yelling," I say calmly and he glares at me. I brush it off. "Do you have a credit card?"

He narrows his eyes at me in suspicion "Why?"

"I need to go get a dress for the party we're attending."

"First of all, the party isn't for another week, and second of all, don't you have a credit card?"

"Minor details." I wave my hand at him dismissively.

He gives me a dry look. I hold my hand out expectantly. He crosses his arms over his chest.

"Look either you hand it over willingly and spare yourself harm, or I take it forcefully." I smile at him sweetly. "If you ever want girls to look at you without cringing, you'll do the first one."

He stuffs his hand into his pocket and pulls out his wallet, removing the credit card from it and handing it to me. I give him a smug look and turn to walk away, but stop.

"Oh wait." I start, turning back around. "I need to borrow your car."

"What? I don't have a car, you totaled mine, remember?"

"I was talking about the one in the garage," I say.

His eyes go wide and he begins rapidly shaking his head back and forth. "No way. Not in a million years. Nope, sorry not happening. Go find someone else's car to steal. That one is completely off limits." He rambles.

"I wouldn't be stealing it." I chide him. "I'd be borrowing for an hour, tops."

"An hour?" He asks incredulously "No girl takes only an hour to go dress shopping."

I give him an offended look. "Have you met me?"

"Yeah, and news flash, you're a girl."

"No shit Sherlock," I state and hold out my hand. "Keys."

"No freaking way."



"Give me the damn keys," I growl, getting frustrated with him.

"No way in freaking hell!" He shouts. "It's my car! I'm the one with the key!"

"And I'm the one with years of experience killing people," I say, smiling smugly when his face visibly pales. "Think about what you say and do next very carefully."

He lets out a string of curses out under his breath before finally handing me the keys.

"I hate you." He grumbles.

"The feeling's mutual."


I glance at the price tag on the blue dress in my hands before putting it back on the rack...too cheap.

Agent 13 (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now