Chapter 2

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Finley was 12 when she had ran away from her home planet. The girl was 19 now, and had been living her new life on Tatooine for seven years. The galaxy's hunt for her had died down within her seven years of exile, but that didn't make her any less careful. The girl was a scavenger, and spent her days searching for junk to sell in exchange for food. She had just found what appeared to be a lightsaber, and was waiting in line at the nearest junk trader's shop in order to sell it. Finley found that she wanted to get the elegant weapon out of her grasp as soon as possible. Holding a weapon used by the Jedi, who once were attempting to capture her, made her feel uncomfortable.

"Look, Jedi!" A purple-skinned togruta standing to the side of the line whispered to her partner, loud enough for Finley to overhear.

"I wonder what business they have here." The togruta's partner replied, curiously.

Finley followed the gaze of the pair, which led her eyes to fall upon two grown men wearing cloaks. She instinctively pulled up her own cloak to hide her face. They continued to walk closer to the line Finley was standing in, and she could feel her heart begin to race.

"Excuse me, m'lady?" A deep voice questioned, and Finley looked up slightly to see the Jedi standing with the purple-skinned togruta and her partner.

"Can I help you?" The togruta questioned, kindly.

"Do you, by chance, know that woman standing in line, wearing the hood?" One of the Jedi with a ginger beard, asked.

"You mean Finn? I've seen her around before, a few times. She's a pretty successful scavenger around here." The togruta replied. Finley moved forward in the line slowly, without taking the slightest bit of attention off of the Jedi.

"How long has she lived here?" The other Jedi, with dark hair and a scarred eye, wondered.

"For quite some time, as far as I know." The woman replied, and the Jedi thanked her before walking closer to the line. Luckily for Finley, it was her turn to bargain for her findings. She moved up, and placed the lightsaber on the counter. Satisfaction flowed through Finley's veins at the junk trader's surprised reaction to her find.

"Wow, what a find! I need to converse with my partner on how many portions to offer you!" The junk trader exclaimed. "Please, wait here." He added. Finley watched him scurry off with excitement, and couldn't help but smile.

"Where did you find that, m'lady?" A familiar sounding voice asked Finley, and she turned her head to see the two Jedi from before.

"At an abandoned sand people camp." She answered, calmly.

"That is a Jedi weapon." The ginger-bearded man stated.

"I am aware." Finley replied, and picked up the weapon from the counter. "If you are suspecting me of something, I can assure you, I have no idea how to wield this weapon." She stated.

"What makes you think we are suspecting you of something?" The scarred Jedi asked, slyly.

"You are Jedi, aren't you? You are always suspecting people of something." Finley replied, as a matter of fact.

"Fair enough. We are looking for Finley Greyhelm, do you know her?" The bearded man questioned.

"I do not." Finley stated, although she felt her knees begin to shake slightly. The girl was almost sure the galaxy had forgotten about her. Apparently not.

"Would you mind putting down your hood, m'lady?" The scarred Jedi asked, challengingly. Finley felt her breath hitch in her throat, and was about to run, when she was interrupted.

"M'aam, how does 60 portions sound?" The junk trader exclaimed, returning to the counter with the 60 portions. Finley looked at the two Jedi, before placing the lightsaber back on the counter.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you." She nodded at the junk trader, before sliding the food packs into her cross bag. Finley didn't look up as she calmly attempted to walk back to her speeder. The girl was almost hopeful that she would get away easy, when she felt a strong hand grab hold of her arm.

"I think we asked you to put down your hood." The scarred Jedi repeated, before flipping it down himself.

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