Chapter One~ Determination

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The war of Eira has been in action ....long since the age of time itself. A brutal war against two POWERFUL forces. The mortals, an interestingly and exceedingly intelligent force. And the Beasts, violent, uncontrollable living bastards that stand on mortal blood. Evangeline loath those creatures....absolutely denied their existence, but her denial is stronger on the existence of this still-partaken sickening war driven by greed and greed itself. Such a war has destroyed a once beautiful planent....its HAS DESTROYED SUCH A BEAUTIFUL WORLD....yet no one would dare try to intervine in such a brutal war. No one expected for ANYONE mortal or beast to try. Or so thats how it always was. Evangeline 7 years old....with her fire heart she would exceed magic arts and train herself as hard as she could with determination. ....adrenaline would always run through veins.....she would practice and perfect the arts of the swords and break this war. For she will strategize a plan eager to forsee every negative outcome.......
THIS was her destiny THIS was what she was supposed to do WHATEVER ....END....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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