Spacers- 2 weeks and 2 days

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So.......I may have worn my spacers a bit too long.....*nervous laughter*

I have a good reason though!! I have to take a major state test in a few days and  I didn't want to be distracted by metal things in my mouth *smiles sheepishly*

Anyways, I was supposed to get them on Friday (because you are supposed to get your spacers off after 2 weeks) and my orthodontist (and probably many across the country) only let you get the brackets first. And my orthodontist specifically only lets you get the brackets on either your top teeth or bottom teeth.

Blah blah blah, these past 2 weeks and 2 days have been great. My teeth don't hurt, the spacers feel like normal teeth, and the only bad thing is my spacers are loose because I was supposed to get them off 2 days ago.

Oh and I forgot to tell you guys!!

When you brush your teeth, brush them left to right, not up and down because that causes the spacers to be more likely to fall out.

So yeah. That's my 2 weeks and 2 days with spacers.


Thanks for reading another chapter! Once again, if you have any questions, comment them and I'll answer back as best as I can!


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