Ch.9 Almost a month

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Joel's Pov

It has been 2 weeks since I half confessed and 2 weeks since I started this deal. Honestly, I thought I was like what I called my 'friends' a player but seriously in all honesty I am a commited man. And the one person I wanted was hard to get.

I was falling for Jenni and I helped her lose a lot of weight, all the girls are noticing her now and we have this bond. I am falling hard and I have nowhere to go , say or do anything but tonight I will take her out and tell her but before hand I and taking the deal off the table.

I approach my 'friends' in the cafeateria.

"hey whats up man, havent sat with you in ages" Matt says clearly blind of how much I dispise him."hows the deal going" he gave me a wink.

"thats ahh what I came to talk about, I break off the deal" Matt and Gordan stared at me I had never broken a deal or promise but I was allowing an exception here. I got up and moved to where Jenni was sitting she gave me a half hearted smile. I gave her one back.

Picking at my food I ask her. "would you like to go on a date tonight?" I was so nervous that my kneees were shaking so bad the the table was vibrating. I had never had a girl do this to me. Always make me nervous, give me butterflies(men style) and was always in my head.

"sure I would love to" her was was to anglic like an angels, since the weight lose she no longs just looks good but she also sounds perfect because she is not carrying so much weight. Her faveourite movie was Beauty and the beast so I was going to take her out for dinner.

But to a restarant that has a ballroom dance floor and were are going to waltz the night away. I went out to the front of her new foster home. Everyone found out about my father and purposely putting her in an awful foster home.

"You are an awful father" I yelled at him, I clenched my fists not letting my anger go.

"With a temper like that you are not going to get anywhere" he said sadasticly , I hated this before I could take a swing at him. My next door neighbour opened the door because she her some shouting.

Next thing you know she called the 'cops' and they were at my front door.

*end flashback*

I waited in my jeep for her to come out. Next minute I see her brother in a tux escorting her to my car.

She was beautiful hair pinned back in a braided messy bun, elegant yellow gown with flowers lining the bottom of it and a sweet heart bodas.

Her makeup was lightly done and her eyes were just wowing me tonight all I wanted to do was stare in to them. That's when I remembered I forgot to open the door but her brother did that anyway.

The car ride was quiet until she asked me a question I dreaded to answer

"Why did you ask me out?" She stared at me intensely. Why her it could of been anyone but it had to be her. I started stuttering like a maniac honestly it was the deal I couldn't tell her that. Then I got a text message from Matt.

Matt: if you brake the deal your out of the team and you sit on the loser table.

Me: If that is what I have to lose than its worth it.

Matt; Your whipped.

Me: I just dont want to be fooling around anymore.

"whats the deal?' Jenni asks me.

A/N Cliff hanger , please tell me if you hate the short chapters. comment, vote and share. There is a compition starting tonight (17/09/13 at 8:00pm Australian Eastern time) the comp is for the Cover of my book. Good Luck :)

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