Chapter Thirteen │ Laser Tag

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Chapter Thirteen │ Laser Tag

Dedicated to @JAmazingxX for commenting so much on this chapter so soon after it came out.

"We're here," Ryder says as he pulls the car into a parking lot.

I finished asking him all my questions on the ride over. I couldn't think of any good ones by the time I got to question seven so I just ended up asking him boring ones.

I get out the car and look around, trying to get an idea of where he was taking me. He watches me look around patiently with a small smile on his face and when my attention is finally on him, he nods his head for me to follow.

After about a minute, we finally come to a stop outside a familiar building. "Laser tag? You're taking me to laser tag?" I beam.

He nods and I notice how quiet he's been since we got out the car. He's still watching me, and it takes me a minute to place the emotion on his face. Nervousness. He's nervous about taking me here because of what I said about laser tag being the perfect date for me.

I already told him that this was just a friend-date. If he chooses to ignore that and gets disappointed when something doesn't happen between us, that's his fault, not mine. "What are you waiting for? Let's go inside."

• • •

"Oh my God! You are such a cheater!" I'm yelling, but there's a smile on my face and even a blind person could tell that I was happy.

"Technically, I wasn't cheating. If I was cheating, I would've been making myself win," he laughs, sliding his arm around my waist.

Playing laser tag with Ryder was. . . interesting. At first we were on the same team, but that didn't exactly work out. Ryder kept on taking all the hits and letting me get all the shots, which wasn't fair to the game. So then I decided that we go on different teams. That didn't work out either, at least at first, because he was purposely letting me win. He would have a clear shot at me, then conveniently miss or hesitate long enough for me to get away. My suspicions were correct when I demanded a rematch and made him promise to play fairly. He won me by a mile.

"Okay, so maybe you weren't cheating. . . but you weren't playing fair either."

He shrugs. "Are you hungry?"

"Starving," I mumble. All that running around made me hungry, but then again. . . when was I not hungry?

"Where do you wanna go?"

". . .Taco Bell."

"Really? Me too. Let's go." And then next thing I know I'm being carried. And I am not talking about bridal style. Our chests are touching and our faces are just inches away. His hands are

just underneath my butt and my legs are wrapped around his waist. We're in the perfect position for a kiss. Or more.

What? Girls can be pervy too.

"Ryder. Put me down," I breathe. The feel of his hands on me and the warming tingle that entails has me a little off-kilter.

"But I just wanna carry you everywhere with me, you're so cute," he mumbles softly, gripping me tighter to him.

"Well I'm not a ragdoll. You can't just pick me up and swing me around as you please. Now, please put me down." Though this was kinda hot.

"I know you aren't. I respect you. I just can't help myself sometimes. Let me carry you to the car and then I'll put you down."

"Deal." I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle deeper into his chest. Might as well make myself comfortable.

He makes a deep noise with his throat. "You should indulge me more often."

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