C23 (Special Last)

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BunnyNana: Guys, we have to delete this chat room...

BigEye-J: Finally...

HyunJung: Wow, such a nice response.

TzuYoda: Man, Ima miss dis...

TofuDahyun: All the grammar errors...

Chaengberry: How about for the deleting of this chat room, we all say our crushes?

TofuDahyun: OMG! You're talking Chae!

Chaengberry: Yeah, I am... Anywhom, crushes?

JokbalMoguri: I wanna start!

SanaSquirrel: Of course you do..

JokbalMoguri: Dahyun.

Twice: EH?

JokbalMoguri: I like Dahyun.

TofuDahyun: :O

JokbalMoguri: Why?

TofuDahyun: ME TWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

TzuYoda: Now who has the grammar errors...

DaMo: SH!

TzuYoda: NO!

SanaSquirrel: Honey, calm, calm.

TzuYoda: Srry...

Chaengberry: Me next...

TofuDahyun: Wow, already moving on I see.

Chaenberry: Yeah...

HyungJung: Guys, I wanna hear dis!!!!!!!!!

Chaengberry: I like Mina Unni... *Suddenly runs away*

BlackSwanMinie: *chases her new girlfriend*

BunnyNana: You are all so cute!

TzuYoda: Eldest, do you have a crush?

BunnyNana: Maybe...

BigEyed-J: *facepalming at all of you crazies...*

HyungJung: Nayeon, spill, now

BunnyNana: Wow, mean... BUt, hey, I can't live without you.

HyungJung: WHa?

BunnyNana: I like you, you dimwit!

HyungJung: WHAT?!?!?!??!?

BigEyed-J: I now congratulate 2Yeon.

TzuYoda: That's it right?

BigEyed-J: Yup, we have SaTzu, MiChaeng, 2Yeon, DaMo, and then me...

Twice: YAY!

BlackSwanMinie: Guys, is this the end then...

SanaSquirrel: Man, this chat has a lot of memories...

HyungJung: Wait, why is this getting depressing!

BunnyNana: JUst start bawling.

HyungJung: *starts bawling*

BunnyNana: This is farewell for me.

BunnyNana and HyungJung have left the chat.

TofuDahyun: This chat is really coming to a close, huh...

JokbalMoguri: OH, don't be sad my little eagle!

TofuDahyun: I'm fine.

SanaSquirrel: Guys, stop being depressing...

JokbalMoguri: Well, it's time for our leave as well.

TofuDahyun: See y'all in like 3 seconds at our dorm.

TofuDahyun and JokbalMoguri have left the chat.

TzuYoda: Alrighty, who's left?

SanaSquirrel: Me, You, Jihyo, Mina and Chae.

Chaengberry: Nope, just you, Chewy and Jihyo, bye~

BlackSwanMinie: FREEEDOM!!!!

Chaengberry and BlackSwanMinie have left the chat.

SanaSquirrel: Wow, so many people are leaving...

TzuYoda: I believe it is our turn too...

BigEyed-J: You're leaving me here...

SaTzu: ♡U

BigEyed-J: *sigh*

SanaSquirrel and TzuYoda have left the chat.

BigEyed-J: Alright, just me now....

BigEyed-J: Well, thank you ONCE for our first win and our second one as well, and farewell... ♡♡♡

BigEyed-J has finally left the chat, it's over.

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