Act Seven: You're Gunna Let It Eat You Away

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Dallon was in a troubled sleep when Brendon stepped into his room. The boys had always been so close, that Dallon's mother was more than willing to let Brendon in. Brendon walked around Dallon's bed, peaking at his face.

His heart thudded loudly in his ears when he saw the dried tear stains on Dallon's cheeks.

He had caused that. His neglect and focus on the show, rather than the boy he was supposed to care about.

Brendon sat carefully on Dallon's bed, to avoid waking him, before crawling close to the sleeping figure. Brendon rested just in front of him with a small frown on his face. He used his thumb to try to softly erase Dallon's tear stains.

Dallon's face scrunched with Brendon's touch.

"You there, giraffe?" Brendon called out, softly.

Dallon took a minute before cracking his eyelids from sleep. "What are you doing here?.." He mumbled, closing his eyes again. "Don't you have to practice?"

"Dallon, you're more important than practice." Brendon scooted closer as he said it, draping his arm over Dallon's side.

"You sure haven't been acting like it."

Brendon shut his eyes tightly at Dallon's words. He wasn't wrong. Brendon had put priority on this play, rather than his new boyfriend.

"It was a douche thing to do." Brendon finally said, opening his eyes. "I shouldn't of let this completely take me away from you."

Dallon remained quiet. He kept his curled up position, despite his urge to hold Brendon as close as possible. He was still hurt. He had never felt like this before over another person, and he still wasn't quite sure how to react.

He felt Brendon's fingers trail along his hairline, making delicate patterns.

"I'm sorry." Brendon said in a hushed tone, "I wasn't lying when I said I like you, I just got so caught up in the production..."

"I saw you get caught up in that kiss, as well." Dallon muttered, bringing his arms closer to his chest.

Brendon chuckled, sadly. "You thought it was convincing too?" He asked, still messing with Dallon's hairline. "Unfortunately, Ashley did too..."

"She was really buying it."

"It's the part, Dal, I can't not kiss her."

"It's just a bit unfair, seeing as I've never gotten to be in her position!" Dallon rushed through his words,almost instantly regretting it. Brendon was going to think he was just a jealous wreak, which he kind of was. A mixture of jealousy and feelings he wasn't all too sure what to do with.

Dallon noticed Brendon's fingers freeze where the were on his temple. The other boy didn't even appear to be moving a single inch. Dallon held his breath, refusing to open his eyes.

"Is that it?" Brendon finally spoke up, retracting his hand.

Dallon was quiet, but nodded. He kept his eyes tightly shut, however. He suddenly felt hands on his cheeks before lips connected with his.

Dallon's eyes snapped open. Revealing Brendon's close proximity as he kissed Dallon. Dallon felt his heart speed dramatically. This was nothing like he expected. He expected to have a short and sweet first kiss, but Brendon was making this so much more. He moved their lips quickly, at first, but slowed to an even pace. Dallon let himself uncurl, slowly, reaching his arms out to hold Brendon as their connection held on.

Slowly, almost teasingly, Brendon pulled away from the taller boy. "Still mad?" He asked, keeping his hands against Dallon's cheeks.

"Yes." Dallon admitted, "That made me less mad, though."

Brendon smiled at the taller boy, letting his hands drop to his sides. He instead grabbed hold of Dallon's hands.

"I do care about you, Dal, I just got caught up in the show. Over excitement and over perfection on my part." He grinned, sheepishly.

Dallon shook his head. "I over reacted. I know how you get with drama productions. I just got jealous..."

Brendon squeezed Dallon's hands. "Well," he shrugged, "You should know that Ash never got a kiss like that." Brendon winked.

Dallon laughed, leaning forward to press his forehead against Brendon's. "I forgot the experience..." He spoke lowly, looking over Brendon's earthy, brown eyes. "Show me again?"

Brendon grinned, looking straight back at Dallon's electric blue eyes. "I think that's fair... If I can sleep over tonight." Brendon's eyes flashed quickly from Dallon's eyes, to his lips, and back again. "Your mom's cooking is fantastic, but I look forward to desert."

Dallon nodded. "Deal." He said, barley able to get the words out before Brendon was pushing their lips together once again, giggling as they fell back onto the bed.

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