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family groupchat - winchester-toubia edition. :-)

madre: boys!

diego: hola madre

red: what did those idiots do now

mom: red, be nice to your brothers

vince: present

park: i'm here

dove: aye aye aye what did those idiots do now

madre: dove, red, don't be mean to your brothers

mom: i'm honestly confused

mom: what are we chatting about?

madre: damn it ari

mom: :)

dove: i'm hungry, can we hurry up

park: you don't actually have to be in the chat atm dove, they just wanted to talk to their sons

dove: does it look like i give a fuck?

madre: why did i find a bra in the hamper?

diego: four girls lives in our house, madre, why do you think you found a bra in the hamper?

mom: oh, right! now i remember

mom: none of us use that size

red: oh my malec, this is amazing

madre: why did we let elizabeth spend so much time with our kids

mom: because we love her, emmy

madre: right, i forgot

madre: but you know that you aren't allowed to have girls in your rooms, so who broke the rule and will do the dishes for a week?

park: moms, i'm fourteen

park: why would i have a topless girl in my room?

diego: i have a boyfriend?

vince: it's nadia's

mom: dafuq

red: oh my malec mom just swore

dove: i'm screenshotting this whole conversation

madre: nadia is dating that girl trish, what the hell are you doing with her bra?

vince: she slept here last week and forgot it so i put it in the hamper, duh

madre: oh

mom: oh

red: this is not as funny as i thought it would be

dove: i'm disappointed

park: i'm just going to go and read and cry for a while

diego: i've got band practice, am i excused?

mom: yes, diego, you are excused

vince: i'm going to hang out with my best friend, nadia, now. bye :)

red: i feel like that smiley is kind of passive aggressive

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