Chapter Seventy Two

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Liam finishes his work about two hours later, and packs up his stuff to head home, he really should stay and work for another hour or two, but he's so distracted anyways he can't really concentrate. After locking his office, he stops at Elise's desk, the blonde arching an eyebrow at him, "you leaving early today?" she asks, glancing at her clock. Liam just shrugs, "I am, you can too, I'll still pay you the full day" he answers, Elise grins, "thanks Liam, my parents are coming to town, getting off early would be amazing" she crows and Liam smiles, nodding. "Good, have a good night Elise, can you tell Niall, and Nikki, I've left before you go?" he asks. Elise just nods, "of course, I've got a few things to finish anyways, I'll see you tomorrow" she answers, clicking around on her computer. "See you tomorrow" Liam replies before heading towards the elevator to go home.

When he makes it to his and Zayn's apartment Liam hears music and talking, furrowing his eyebrows he drops his briefcase by the door, before he toes off his shoes and follows the sounds. He ends up in the kitchen where Zayn is making dinner while talking to his mum, "Trisha?" Liam asks stepping into the room and she turns to face him, stepping closer to wrap him in a hug. "Liam, you're home early" Zayn grins, stepping away from the stove to hug him as well. Liam just nods, "not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" he asks, turning to his soon to be mother in law. Trisha laughs, waving him off, Zayn forgot Bella's bunny at mine, so I brought it over" she explains, and Liam nods, "where is Bella?" he asks looking around. Zayn just gestures vaguely, "she's in her room with Safaa, probably torturing her" he answers and Liam smirks, "I should go get changed" he mumbles to no one in particular, before giving Zayn a kiss and exiting the kitchen. When he passes Bella's room he pokes his head in to see her curled up with Safaa while the older reads her a story, both look up at him and he waves, smirking when Bella scrambles up to come and hug him "Daddy, you home" she cheers and he laughs, hugging her back, "you go back to your story, I have to get changed okay?" he asks. Bella just nods before bounding back over to where she was and curling back into her aunt, "nice to see you Safaa" he calls out and she just laughs "you too Liam" she answers before he continues down to his room to change.

When Liam makes it back from getting changed into a pair of jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt, it's to see Trisha and Safaa ready to leave, "leaving already?" he asks, making his presence known. Trisha pulls away from where she was hugging Zayn to smile at Liam, "yes I need to get this one home, to do homework" she answers stepping closer to pull Liam into a hug, Liam hugs back grinning when she pulls away "well it was good to see you" Liam hums. Safaa just smiles waving lightly, before stepping into the hall, "I'll see you tomorrow" Trisha murmurs, kissing Zayn's cheek again. Zayn just nods, smiling lightly, but Liam notices it doesn't reach his eyes and whatever was bothering him earlier, is still on his mind, but he also knows that any efforts he makes to get him to talk right now will be met with resistance, so he decides to just let it go for now. Once the door clicks shut, Bella jumps into Zayn's arms "Baba, I'm hungry" she whines and Zayn chuckles, setting her back on her feet, "it's a good thing I'm making dinner then, isn't it?" he asks, poking her nose gently, before disappearing back towards the kitchen. Bella huffs, stomping her foot lightly, before turning to Liam "Daddy, I hungry now" she pouts, batting her eyelashes at him, Liam bites back a laugh, "oh no, that's not gonna work this time Princess. Let's go ask Baba how long until dinner's ready" he murmurs, scooping her into his arms.

Bella snuggles into Liam's chest as he enters the kitchen to see Zayn stirring something on the stove, "hey, how long until dinner?" Liam asks, and Zayn spins around to face them, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Bella and Liam. "Um about twenty minutes" Zayn hums and Bella huffs, snuggling into Liam a little more. "See Beautiful, you can make it 'til then" Liam hums, pressing a kiss to Bella's forehead, she mumbles something that Liam can't make out but doesn't protest any further. Zayn chuckles turning back to whatever he's cooking, all Liam knows is, it smells amazing, "why don't we go find something to do and let Baba finish dinner, yeah?" Liam hums to Bella, who nods her head against him. Liam steps closer to Zayn, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before he carries Bella out to the living room. Liam sets the sleepy looking three year old down on the couch, before he moves to sit beside her, she points to the TV "watch TV Daddy?" she asks, Liam hums picking up the remote and flicking the TV on for her to watch while they wait for Zayn.

It's not until after they've eaten, cleaned up the dishes and put Bella to bed that Liam gets a chance to ask Zayn about what's been bothering him all afternoon. They're laying on the couch together, Zayn's head on Liam's chest, Zayn picks absently at a thread on his jeans, while the TV plays in the background, "Zayn?" Liam asks quietly, and Zayn hums to let him know he heard him. "What's been bothering you all day today?" Liam asks gently, one hand rubbing at Zayn's back, Zayn sighs, and Liam watches as he sits up and flips himself around a little so he can look at Liam. Zayn bites his lip and Liam knows he's thinking it all over, and decides to just leave him to think it out for a moment, Zayn sighs and looks up at Liam and Liam can see just how tormented he is by whatever it is, "Zee, you can tell me" he murmurs soothingly. Zayn sighs again "it's just  a few of the people that I work with at the school, are not exactly being welcoming and friendly" he mumbles. Liam furrows his eyebrows, "not being friendly how?" he asks carefully. Zayn just shakes his head, "I'll figure it out Li, hopefully once I've been there longer than a couple weeks, it will all be alright" he mumbles, Liam narrows his eyes at that but knows better than to push it, Zayn will completely shut him out if he does. Liam does know he's going to be keeping a closer eye on Zayn though, make sure things aren't getting worse for him instead of better. Zayn snuggles back into Liam after that and they end up sleeping on the couch instead of actually going to their bed.

A/N: Heyyyyy! Alright I'm sorry, I meant to publish this awhile ago, but things just got kinda shitty on my end. I'll save you all the drama unless you really wanna hear it. 
But my brother and sister in law had another baby, so I'm an Aunt again which is exciting.
So here you go they're home, Doniya's on board (which we already knew) and there's possibly a baby coming...we'll have to wait and see.
I also keep getting ideas for way in the future of this story like 12 years in the future, and I have to write them out cause they're consuming my brain, and I can't focus. But I don't want to post them yet because it will spoil things, so they're saved in my computer to be used at a later date. 
Anyways I love you guys as always 
Until next time xoxo

End Up Here (Ziam AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ