Chapter 10

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Wanda's eyes rested on the pair laying on the floor of the jet. Her family dead, all that she had left and it was gone. She had worked hard to build her sisterly relationship with Lilly, to be trusted by her. It took a lot  for all of them to make their family. She fell to her knees in anguish. Her heart betrayed her as she screamed and sobbed on the floor clutching everything she had. In her arms was her entire world contained in two beings, who were no longer.

She was dragged away all to soon before she saw a flicker of a finger. Pietro's hand was moving! He should have been dead, and all the avengers knew it. Everyone (minus tony) crowded around as Baryon knelt down to feel his pulse. It shouldn't be possible, it really shouldn't, but he was healing. Wanda cried in joy and knelt next to her brother. Natasha hurried to get a first aid kit from the jet and begun pulling out the bullets. While she did so she couldn't help but notice that the tissue had already begun to heal. She smiled slightly, the speedster might be around for a while longer. The smile was quickly wiped off her face when she had to move Lilly's limp hand for better access to his side. The little sound died out as all the heroes settled their gaze on Lilly.

The bullets were soon all removed from Pietro's body and he had to be moved to a lab for testing and rest, so he could hopefully make a speedy recovery. Dr banner had Pietro moved to a stretcher so he could carry him up to his lab. Once he left the remaining heroes were left with the most difficult task of all. Moving the body of the young girl they had all become attached too. 

"I'll do it. Just tell me where i need to take her."

Wanda spoke up, for all she wanted were a few more minutes with her sister. 

" The spare lab. We need to run an autopsy "

Wanda nodded before she carefully lifted the frail body and moved her way through the halls, guided by Jarvis. Soon she came to the spare lab, it was dark and cold inside. Wanda placed the freezing body on the table and picked up the sheet that lay beside it. Her hands trembled and shook as she slowly placed the sheet over the body. It was done, she was gone. This time, for much longer than a few weeks.

For the rest of Wanda's life. She smiled a watery smile as the tears trailed down her cheeks.

"He loved you, I know that. I saw the way he looked at you. Pietro, I'm talking about, you were the only girl he ever even though about. "

She felt silly talking to Lilly's body, but she needed to get everything out of her.

" He loved you so much and so do I. You have been the best sister I could have ever asked for, it doesn't matter that we aren't blood related. All I care about is how you have been the best family I could ever excpect. I love you so much. We do. "

With a final shaky breath Wanda left the room, the tears flowing freely as she walked away from the only friend she had ever known. 

Wasting Away // tony Stark's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now