35. Riley and Lucas

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Riley POV

Lucas: This doesn't make any sense! If it wasn't Charlie or Gabriella, then who was it?!

We were in the car driving back to my house.

Riley: I don't know, Lucas! All of this is just making my head hurt! Why don't we just call the police!?

Lucas grunted and shook his head.

Lucas: No! Don't you remember! "Don't tell the cops"?! He or she will kill us!

Ugh I totally forgot. I just have no idea how we are going to do this.

Riley: I don't know how we are going to figure this out, but I know that we will.

Lucas: Whatever, I'll just focus on the road.

Riley: Ya okay........

I looked off into the distance and saw a car coming front first in our direction. At first I thought it was nothing but it was coming straight toward us. The driver kinda looked like


Maya POV

I was in my house watching tv when I got a phone call.

Maya: Hello?

???: *breathing*

I was getting creeped out. All I heard was breathing, heavy breathing.

Maya: Hello!

???: Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy-


???: they were driving down the freeway and ended up dead

Maya: This isn't funny!!!

???: "Who are they?" You may ask

Maya: Stop fucking with me!

???: No other than Riley and Lucas. *chuckles*

What the fuck?

IM ALIVE I SWEAR! So this is just a filler cause I didn't want to write a lot but I also wanted to make it interesting so ya! Comment what you thought!

Oh and remember once I'm on Summer break I will be updating SO MUCH MORE! ~M

I Need To Get Him Back (Sequel to "I Need To Get Her Back")Where stories live. Discover now