Imagine #5: Stefan

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He finds out that you're dreaming about him.

Stefan was a very special being in your life, and you know that, and he knows that.

One day, you feel asleep while Stefan was reading to you.

You didn't fall asleep on purpose it's just that listening to his voice, he truly was a lullaby.

You haven't gotten much sleep because last night you were running errands with you friends.

When you got back home, you ate the breakfast that he prepared for you and just went upstairs to your room where he was reading "the great Gatsby", he loved that book.

"Can you read it to me, Stef?" You said cuddling up beside him.

"Of course, sprinkles! You're going to love it!" He said and kissed your head.

He started reading and his soothing voice caressed your ears, you slowly started drifting off.

Moments after falling asleep completely, he actually noticed and smiled to himself.

He kissed your head and just observed you, he saw how peaceful you were.

He took advantage of this moment and appreciated each and every one of your features.

Your lips, slightly parted but still managing to keep your mouth closed.

Your hair, at the prefect length. He just loved it and he now appreciated its smell.

Your eyes, even if they were closed, he saw how gorgeous were your eyelashes and just the shape. He knew that there is a universe under those eyelids.

Suddenly something pulled him back from his thoughts.

"Stef, stef, I love you." You mumbled.

"What?" He whispered checking if you were awake.

"Please don't leave me, don't go with-." You mumbled, and he was now worried. 

He was having an inner conflict because he once read something that if someone is having a nightmare you shouldn't wake them up because it could cause a heart attack.

"I love you, sprinkles! I love you. Much more than you think. Don't worry." He whispered and hugged you tighter.

He saw a tear running down your face and he knew that this was it.

"Y/N, baby wake up. I'm here, sprinkles. You're having a nightmare." You didn't wake up right away so he decided to "jump in" the dream himself and help you out.

The nightmare was about him leaving you for Elena. He didn't know what to do.

He had to think fast and he came up with the obvious thing to do.

Break up with her and ask for your forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Elena but I love Y/N, I can't do this to her." He knew that you were watching them and and as Elena started crying, he hugged her and left.

You took a few steps back and he just vamp speeded towards you. 

"I don't know what you think, I just want you to know that I'm utterly in love with you, sprinkles, you're my home. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I love you so much, so so much!" He said and hugged you and you were crying accepting the apology.

"I would never ever do that. Now wake up." He smiled and grabbed your hand.

"Huh?" Was the last thing you said and before you knew it, you were on the bed with Stefan reading "the great Gatsby".

"Welcome back, baby. You know I'd never do that right?" He said and smiled. 

"I know." You said and kissed him.


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