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Cain was hunched over on the bench while Coach Power barked orders at the rest of the team. "Ok, water break!" Coach Power yelled.

Mark jogged over and chugged from his bottle. "I cannot wait until Kade gets back. This guy really won't let up."

"Poor you," Cain mumbled.

"Stop being such a killjoy. Your lady problems can wait till later!" Mark exclaimed, hitting him across the back of his head.

"Back at it! You too, Remmer!" Coach Power yelled. Cain grabbed his helmet and ran onto the field.

If the girl didn't make it onto the team, he was sure to lose the bet. The last thing he needed was to lose his motorbike. The thought of Mark getting together with Jenna also sent shudders up his spine. That would be plain weird. Besides, wouldn't that violate the bro code? Then again, was there a clause in the bro code about not-quite-girlfriends or kind-of-friends-with-benefits?

Never before had he gone through a training session that felt so long. The team headed for the locker room. When they reached their row of lockers, they realised there was someone rummaging through their lockers.

The door swung shut.

"This is so rank," came the voice. "What's up you sweaty bastards?" Kade grinned.

"Kade, you sly rascal. When'd you get back?" Ashton laughed, pulling a towel out from his locker.

"This morning. At three."

"Wagged school? You rebel," Mark said sarcastically, shaking his head slowly.

"Three months of Italian water has changed you. Have you gained some weight?" Ashton smirked, punching Kade in the gut. Kade doubled over.

"You haven't changed at all," he wheezed. "What's up with this sad sack?" He managed to ask, gesturing to Cain.

"No big deal. He's about to lose a bet," Mark announced.

"Oh yeah? Can I get in on this?"

"You bet, but there's not much left to chuck dibs on. I've reserved Jenna's phone number and Ashton's got claim on his bike."

"I'm fine with being in just for the feeling of satisfaction," Kade smirked. "Still got that thing going on with Jenna, hey?"

"Wait till you hear what the bet is about, or more importantly, who."

"I am not listening to this," Cain growled.

"He's got his knickers in a knot because things are a little tough," Ashton mocked, running a finger along his cheek to imitate a trail of tears.

"This girl? Piece of cake," Cain grinned. "Once the dance training is underway, I'll be at the finish line," he smirked. "The only reason life is hellish is because of the dance thing, courtesy of this ass," he added, pointing at Ashton.

"You're doing it again?" Kade asked.

"Principal Kelly's assigning it as my punishment. You in again?"

"This girl's on the dance team? I need to see you fail. I'm in," Kade grinned.

"I don't know how you two can be dancer boys and still be a hit with the ladies," Mark shook his head.

"As long as we don't transition into you, we'll be hits with the ladies, you thirsty ass," Cain guffawed.

"Alright guys," Kade said, looking at his watch. "I don't even know why I came in. I gotta head home. Fill me in on the bet tomorrow."

"You bet," Ashton replied.

Kade left and the rest of the group farewelled each other. Cain left the locker room and headed for the carpark.

His phone vibrated and he glanced at the caller ID. Jenna. "Hey," he said.

"Hey. You free tonight?"

"Yeah, I am."

"You wanna come over?"

He'd told himself a million times that whatever this was needed to end.

He knew he was going to regret it.


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