Cody Simpson? My EX Best Friend: Chapter (11)

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I walked toward the terminal with my head hung low and turned toward him before I went inside.

"If I don't have fifty messages, twenty missed phone calls and eight new IMs when I land, I'll be very sad." I warned Cody.

He nodded and smiled.

- - -

I smiled at the fourty ninth text notification on my iPhone from Cody.

Cody: how is Spain treating you?

I snapped a picture from my view of Spain in the hotel we were staying in balcony.

In front of me, there were small villages and people roaming the streets happily. The streets were narrow and people used motorcycles and bicycles to get around.

There were water fountain, small shopping centers and fresh bakeries.

I saw all of this from my fantastic view on the balcony.

Cody: wow! you have a gorgeous view

Me: the view would have looked nicer from me lying on your shoulder

Cody: are you ready for a perfect view, then? ;)

Me: wht are you talking about simpson?

Cody: you'll see soon, my love.

I decided to ignore what ever trick Cody had up his sleeve.

Me: you have so many surprises and things hiding in your pocket!

Cody: that's not the only thing i have in my pocket ;)

Me: oh rlly? what else?

Cody: they're small, in a pack and used as protection

Me: sucks that you won't be using them anytime soon, tho :(

Cody: if there's one thing i've learned from justin bieber, it's that i should never say never!

Me: you are such a perv. i'm gonna unpack now. call u 2night?

Cody: yeah, i'm kinda busy too. i love you, gorgeous.

Me: i love you too, lover boy.

I placed my phone on my bed and began unpacking. After I finished, I  changed into yoga pants and a tank top. By the time I finished, it was 6:45 P.M.

Naomi ran into the room and flopped down on my bed.

"Want to play UNO?" She asked.

I nodded and sat down beside her. "Sure."

We began playing the game and two minutes into it, Naomi threw her cards into the air and sighed.

"I can't play with you anymore. You're no where near as good as Tom," she said, shaking her head disappointingly.

I chuckled. "You're no where near my blue-eyed, blond haired, sweet, kind--"

Naomi cut my sentence off shortly. "Get to the point."

I blushed when I realized I was letting my mind ramble on about Cody.

"How about we play Connect Four instead?" I suggested.

Naomi nodded excitedly and reached for her small suitcase which was filled with board games.

She began searching for the game when my stomach started grumbling.

"I forgot to tell you why I came into your room in the first place. Mom ordered pizza and wanted to know if you wanted any." Naomi said.

I skipped downstairs and into the kitchen.

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