Chapter 2: Cow Chaos

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I woke up bright and early the next day. I hoped to find my Hogwarts letter on the table as I had dreamed but it wasn’t there. Sadness came upon me as my hopes became slightly faded. We had been waiting days and months and years for this letter, anticipating the moment when we opened it and saw we were accepted. We had planned our school days at Hogwarts for years and still no letter. I kept in mind to be patient at its arrival.

         It appeared I woke up way before Xenophilius and Luna, so I went outside. It was gloomy but a little bit of sun peeked through the clouds. We lived in the country so we had a barn cat, some pigs, a cow, two horses, and three pigs. One for me, Luna, and our father. I went around each pen and fed all the animals. It appeared they were quite hungry.

         Before I went back inside, I stopped by the pig coop and patted one with a  few brown spots on its back on the head.

         “When I go to Hogwarts, I will miss you, Porker. Don’t worry, I will write you and perhaps maybe you can write me. That would make me happy you know. I will tell you what house I got into after I get sorted. I am a bit nervous about that, I mean, I will be happy just to go to Hogwarts, but I guess it is still part of it. My letter still hasn’t arrived.” I said, with a small portion of doubt. It never occurred to me that people could get denied to go to Hogwarts. But I decided to push it from my mind and went back inside.

         I hoped that my father and Luna would get out of bed soon. I was quite hungry and even though I could cook a little I was abysmal at it. Luna was much better at it than I was, although I could sometimes make something quick. I questioned whether it would be a good idea to make a surprise breakfast for them, my decision was made for me however, when Luna walked in.

         “What are you doing up so early, Nells? You worried me a little when I woke up and you weren’t there.” Luna asked.

         “Sorry, Lunabug. I didn’t mean to worry you. I did feed all the animals and stuff. We need to go and milk Becka.” I said, groaning.

         “Oh, Nells, she isn’t that bad…..” Luna said.

         “No, but she can be stubborn and hardheaded. She always tries to kick me when I milk her. It’s your turn this time, Lunabug.” I replied.

         So with that, we went to the back of the house, where our cow was and put a stool under her. Becka opened one eye and scowled, she didn’t like to be woken up. She hated being milked even more. I went to the front of her and comforted her while Luna milked her. For a while it worked, until Luna accidentally grabbed the dud of the utters. Becka, for some reason, was quite sensitive there and hated being touched in that spot. Becka kicked but Luna saved the milk…or thought she did. Becka lifted me off the ground with her nuzzle. I swooped onto her back and we went for a ride all over the farm. I am not quite sure what happened next but somehow Becka got caught on the milk pail…..and the pail flipped and went right on my head….and so now I was on a cow with a bucket on my head. Becka, without warning, stopped and I flew through the bushes into the neighboring yard….I only saw a face and BAM! The boy's body collided with mine…..

         We finally landed in a heap onto each other. The boy got up and looked at me. He wasn’t mad more surprised.

         “Merlin’s beard! What the blazes is this?” the boy exclaimed.

         “I am so sorry! My cow went haywire!” I shouted.

         “Relax….what’s your name?” the boy asked.

         “Nelly,” I said. “Yours?”

         “Cedric…Cedric Diggory.” Cedric replied. I was amazed and a little bewilidered….he was good-looking but somehow there was something about him that I wasn’t too big on. I figured since I completely surprised him with my cow attack, I probably should say sorry and then invite him over for breakfast.

         “Would you like to come to breakfast? It is the least I could do to apologize for breaking into your yard so early in the morning.” I asked. He looked a bit taken aback. Probably because I asked him this while covered in leaves, milk, and with a bucket on my head. I was amazed it managed to stay on my head.

         “Uh, sure. Let me just ask my dad.” Cedric replied. He walked inside and beckoned me in. I was hesitant, since I didn’t want to get milk all over his house but he insisted so I walked in. His house was nicely furnished and had some very intricate furniture. All around there were pictures of his mom and dad, some with all three in it. He seemed to me to be the only child in his family. And while there were pictures everywhere of his mother, the place still seemed to miss the motherly touch. I knew that feeling….but not like this. I had never felt it in another person’s home before. Perhaps she died, or got lost somewhere. I decided to leave it to imagination for now.

         “Nelly, this is my father, Amos.” Cedric said. “He works at the ministry.”

         “Oh, hello,” I said, as if I had been in another world. “My father works at Durmstrang as a professor of the dark arts.  He is also a farmer as well.”

         “Why is there a bucket on your head?” Amos asked. I looked puzzled at first but then remembered it.

         “Oh that…..I had an interesting incident with a cow today…..she is very hard to milk and quite stubborn. She took me on a ride I will never forget.” I said. Amos chuckled.

         “Well, I see you met Cedric through all this, so you got a good experience from an unpleasant one. A knock came at the door. Amos answered it.

         “Didn’t you just come in? How did you get outside?” Amos asked, puzzled. I laughed and Cedric looked at me puzzled.

         “I don’t know what you are talking about…..I have just come in. Do you know where my sister is?” Luna asked. “She kind of flew into your bushes.”

         “Lunabug! I am over here. Come, and meet Cedric!” I exclaimed. Luna walked over and saw what I meant. She laughed, hysteric.

         “Oh, Nells. You probably gave Cedric a fright of his own. Not everyday you see a girl with a pail on her head fly over a bush fence and crash into another person. You are such a spaz.” Luna said.

         “Oh no, it was quite delightful actually.” Cedric assured.

         “Really?” I asked. I was amazed someone actually enjoyed being rammed into.

         “Yes, I wouldn’t have met two new people today if you hadn’t and funny thing is we are next door neighbors.” Cedric said. “Dad, can I go to Luna and Nelly’s house for breakfast?”

         “Sure, I see no reason why. You could stay the whole day if you like. I have work to do anyway. Just be back by 8 pm.” Amos replied.

         “Thanks, dad. Okay, I can go.” Cedric said. We hastily went back to the house. I figured that dad would be awake with all the ruckus we caused this morning…..I know for sure that I am never milking a cow again.

The Adventures of Nelly and Luna Lovegood Year 1Where stories live. Discover now