Chapter 11 - Hypocrite's Anyone?

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It's been a few days since I had my little fight with Nina and to say that we are on bad terms would be an understatement. I haven't been sitting with my usual group, usually, I stay at least ten meters away from her and her little colony of popular's, which is pretty difficult seen as the corridors are only twenty meters in width, but when there are crowds of rambunctious teenagers galloping around like they're late for every class, that's probably true, it can be quiet a challenge escaping them.

Anyway, so right now I'm in my fourth-period class waiting for the teacher to come, I've been arriving earlier than usual so I'm not spotted by Mariah or anyone of my old groupies, you're probably like 'Why don't you want to be spotted by them?', well to put it short, I really don't want another bitchy fight with Nina or even Liam.


My shoulders still hurt from when he shoved them, is he a werewolf or something? I mean, I swear he gave me bigger bruises from his force than when I fell down the stairs and landed on my butt, let me tell you now, never try to go down three flights of step, steep steps, in a cardboard box, 'cause you'll either end up on your butt with a throbbing pain or on your head with a concussion.

Suddenly the door slams open and in comes an enraged Chris Myers. I look up to see him slamming his crunched up fists on my desk, raising my eyebrow in confusion he just stares at me. Thirty seconds later he decides to speak up, "Well, are you going to say anything," yells Chris.

I just look at him in bewilderment, "Explain why you've been ignoring us, Mariah is literally freaking, none of us has seen you in four bloody weeks!" Okay so when I said it's been a few days since Nina and I's scene what I really meant to say was It's been around about twenty-eight days, maybe a bit less.

"Uh..." I mutter, he just slams his hands back down on my table and stares at me with his bright brown eyes, "You know what? Just ignore us we don't care, or need you," mutters a vexed Chris,  sadness overwhelms me, did he really mean that? I mean I've only been here for about two months, it's not like I've made a big change to their little clique, "It's not like I've changed your little troop of cliches," I spit with fury, speaking my mind.

"Haven't change? Ha, that's funny because from what I've noticed was that, Nina's gotten bitchier and more protective of herself, Reece basically looks like he's in love, Amelia's a lot less shy, Mariah's even more talkative, Liam looks happier and I finally feel like I have a friend who listens to me!" He whispers with fury, even though the thing about Liam's a total lie I have to say that the rest is very much true, Liam's just his normal jerky self.

I just hum in though.

"Is this your way of telling me to sit with your little popular parade at lunchtime?" I question, "Because yelling at me in front of half a class isn't really the way to go, actually, this is rather off-putting," I state with a scowl, I've never seen Chris show so much emotion over something, he just scoffs and walks away from me. I swear I hear him mutter that he misses me before he walks off.


Ring, a blaring screech is emitted from one of the many school bells telling us that it's time for lunch. I slowly walk into the canteen, I made food at home so I just grabbed the brown paper bag out of my locker before walking into the canteen. It's been a while since I last came in here, I was planning on saying sorry to Mariah but right at this moment I just felt awkward walking to the centre table.

As I near the table I look over at all their faces, none of them is talking except for Chris, he's probably telling them about what happened in class, all of their faces even the ecstatic Riley's face is blank and emotionless.

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