Chapter 1 - The Goodbye's and Hello's

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

*The Next Morning*

I heard someone gagging near me. I stirred a little and opened my eyes to see Kelly and Amara looking like the walking dead zombies. With their eyeliners and lipsticks being all smudged. Their hair looking as messy as they can be. They will caught death walking out like this. I chuckled. "Will you help us get something for the pain or will you just sit there and laugh at our misery?" Amara asked rather sarcastically.

"I'll get some painkillers." I chuckled and went to the medical cabinet inside the bathroom. I almost die from an heart Attack when I noticed Taylor sleeping near the toilet. Seriously these girls. I nudged her side a little and she stirred. "5 more minutes Mom." She mumbled. "I am not Mom. It's just that you literally sleeping in your own vomit." She slowly opened her eyes and quickly covered it as the light hits her.

"Here." I handed her some painkiller and a glass of water. She took the pill and water. I bring the pills to Amara and Kelly and they all begin to sleep again. I lifted Taylor up in bridal style and placed her on her bed gently. I begin to blow the hair out of my face and cleaning the bathroom before I take a shower. That remind me to cut my hair shorter before start school again.

"How much does those three skinny girls can get out!" I said mentally. After cleaning I took a nice Long hot shower. I dry myself up and put on clean batch of clothes. I preferred ripped jeans, plain black shirt, leather jacket and my amazing Adidas brown sneakers. I walked outside the bathroom and watched as my friends all sitting on the bed either reading something on the magazine or on their phones. I must took a lot of time if they all wake up.

"The bathroom is all yours." I announced. Kelly begin to stripped in front of me. She winked and walked towards the bathroom. Taylor with her undergarment also walked towards the bathroom. Amara cleaning her smudged make up and also stripped in front of me. This is all what I have to witness Everyday.

"Wait for us." I nodded as Amara closed the bathroom door. I was playing Kendall and Kylie game on my iPhone when they walked out of the bathroom looking like a supermodel. It's such a blessed to be their friends. Also I wonder how they could this hot after vomiting their guts out, emptying their stomach. "Ready." I looked up and smiled.

I stand and study what their wearing. Kelly wearing a Chanel short dress with Louboutin heels. Classic. Taylor, well... She's wearing her usual boho chic dress with gladiator sandals. Also classic. And Amara, wearing her unusual black dress with white stilettos. "I'm hungry. Let's go to the cafeteria and hang a bit before going to the airport." I nodded and followed them.

"Wait. Why aren't you all wearing the uniform?" "You expect us to go to the airport wearing a uniform?" I nodded. "Bloody hell no." I tilted my head towards Taylor. "You do know your tattoos is showing." Taylor nodded. "People know." We walked on the huge school hallways. I admired how the student made way for them to walked through. I chuckled.

"It's a wonder how you all could this popular and yet be the naughtiest girls in school." I said and laughed. "Keep your mouth to yourself or I'll make sure to keep it here in London." Taylor threatened. I laughed hard. "That threat is not that scary anymore honey." We walked towards the cafeteria and sit on our usual table.

Minutes later a group of maids placed a plate of food in front of us. "Lady Kelly, your favourites." Kelly smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Pine." She smiled and walked towards the kitchen door. "Such privilege to have your own chef here." I said. Kelly laughed. "You expect me to eat something raw Emerson?" I shake my head.

Taylor and Amara laughed. "We will miss this." Taylor nodded. I smiled at them. "You all welcome to go to my new school you know." Kelly chuckled. "Conquering American school? That would be amazing!" "But we love St. Miriam." I nodded. "Who doesn't." I devoured the last food from St. Miriam I would get to taste.

Book 5 - SAVIOUR (Completed) (GirlxGirl) (Futanari)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें