"Mel, you're not thinking straight. His meeting will be on our 'triumph'. I just don't think he'll share everyone else's view. I mean, we didn't do it, so we could still get hurt. Just watch your mouth when we do end up going down, okay?" he sat up to look up at me properly.

I nodded, realising he was right. Everyone knew it had been Snape that had finally defeated Dumbledore, but because they also knew about the work we'd done, the thought it was us that had done the best bit of the mission. Trust me, Death Eater minds work in the weirdest ways...

"So you just expect me to be silent at these meetings? If he's threatening my family, I'm not just going to stay quiet Drake! I don't even thi-" I was cut off by the door to my room being slammed open and coming off its hinges (not joking, I thought the door was going to fly straight at my head).

"The meeting is about to start Malfoy. Better get your pretty little heads down there before he cuts them off. Even if you have just completed the biggest mission..." Yaxley finished, jealousy and loathing evident in his tone. He'd been like this since we got back. I think he thought he'd get some recognition because he was there, but the rest of the Death Eaters just ignored our 'back-up' and their presence.

I stood up slowly, taking care in putting my book down and making sure no one could see which page I'd been reading. I could be in enough trouble as it is, I couldn't go and make this worse for Draco. I couldn't care less about myself at this point...

The dining room in our house was full. Ever since the Dark Lord had started using our house as his hideout, there had never been a full table. Apparently, that had changed. Every single one of the chairs was filled. So, he'd managed to get the rest of his followers back out of Azkaban without anyone realising. Am I really surprised?

I did, however, notice that two seats had been left towards the head of the table. Draco had cautiously started making his way over to the seats. I closely followed behind him, hoping no eyes would be on me. It wasn't until I got to my seat that I realised every single move I had made was closely followed by every set of eyes.

"Settle down now."

The single voice that sent shivers down my spine every time I heard it. I think it's because I know about all the things he's done in the past, but I still can't get used to hearing it stand behind me at meetings. Just like he was now.

"As you know, Dumbledore is dead!" he shouted, raising his arms to the side in a celebratory style stance. I jumped when he shouted the word 'dead', my mind instantly replaying the scene from the Astronomy Tower that I constantly tried to escape.

The meeting went on from there in the normal fashion. He told everyone of his recent conquests and how it would help them to take over the wizarding world. He also took to retelling the story from that night. It was all I could do not to just walk out of the hall at that moment in time.

Finally, it was all over. After sitting here for over an hour and a half, we could finally go to freedom. I've never felt so relieved. I've been holding my tongue for ages, trying to say how it had all been different to how they'd told it, but to be honest, the story he told was exactly correct. Dumbledore didn't put up a fight.

"Draco and Melanie Malfoy, will you stay behind for a minute please?" the Dark Lord asked. I felt my heart go into overdrive as the many scenarios that could happen raced through my head. The Dark Lord already hated me before I left for Hogwarts, never mind after I had nearly failed in a mission he had set us especially.

"Severus has told me what happened in the Astronomy Tower," the Dark Lord asked when everyone left the room. "He said that you managed to corner Dumbledore before everyone else arrived, am I correct?"

"Yes, my Lord," we uttered in unison, not raising our gazes from the wood on the table.

"Then, I'm going to have to let you off with a warning," he said, anger lacing his words. I raised my head out of pure shock, "If you had indeed not completed the mission, we could be having a different discussion. Never test my resolve that much again. Understand?"

We both nodded before quickly hurrying out of the hall. I let out a large breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding in. Draco was stood by my side, shaking, as he took in what had just happened. We couldn't take this for granted. It wasn't often the Dark Lord let someone of with a warning.


It had been a few days since the meeting with the Dark Lord and we had been allowed to start leaving the house again, which I was very grateful for. Being cooped in my room all day was starting to get to my head.

With my cloak wrapped tightly around me and my book tucked under my arm, I started to make my way across the huge front garden at the manor. When I reached the end, I focused my mind on the red colour that had become so familiar to me from my angry moments and pulled my hood up.

I stepped outside the gates and focused my mind on the castle that I had grown to love over the past year, the place that had become my home. When I opened my eyes, the gates I had ran through, no longer than a week ago, were greeting me.

Swarms of people surrounded me as I followed them in, carefully watching my steps so I didn't draw any attention to myself.

See, there was a reason I had returned to Hogwarts today. The Dark Lord hadn't sent me on a mission and no one knew of my whereabouts because this would be forbidden, and Draco would deem this too risky. But I couldn't afford to miss this. I felt like I owed something.

That is how I came face to face with the table standing at the front of many rows of seats. I needed to say my last goodbyes to the man that had offered to save my life on his deathbed. I owed my respects to the late Albus Dumbledore.


It's here, the second to last chapter. I have been working for hours on this instead of my Spanish homework (at A-Level...) but it was, hopefully, worth it for you guys:)

I'm not so happy with the end bit, but I felt like I needed to give a bit of insight for the next (and last) chapter. So as you can see, Mel is at Dumbledore's funeral, sob :'(

I hope you like it, and remember to vote and comment, only one week left until the book is finished now.

Until next time,

C x

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