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Laura POV
Walter's emotions ranged from worse to worse about my temporary kidnapping, Stefan, and his company's accounts being hacked; his wild, yet fearful, eyes were so wide I could everything he tried to hide behind them. There had been a severe change in his attitude towards me since the kidnapping, and he was closing himself off more and more, putting an empty space between us. Time had passed and yet he still refused to speak about what he was struggling with. Now, in the middle of November, the temperature was dropping fast and it was common for the mornings to be ice laden and promising of snowfall. Few flowers survived the harsh cold, but many trees were strong enough to hold the winter's icy weight.

Soon would be the one year anniversary of mine and Walter's relationship. A lot had happened between us since the beginning. Walter first came to me as an ill, cold-hearted, arrogant man. And yet, it was as if the events to occur amidst our time together had changed him into a whole new person.

As I stood in front of an open window, the cold wind nipped my red face with its sharp teeth. I could feel the wind twist through my hair, sending it blowing wildly in the air. It was evening and the night's dark coat covered most of the world before me.

Winter always brought awful things with it, right to my doorstep. Now, I had an unnerving inkling that something would happen this winter, and that it would be the worst thing winter would ever bring me.

A heavy hand landed on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see Walter holding out a steaming cup of hot chocolate for me.

"Walter! You startled me!" I said, smiling warmly at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," he said in a low, raspy tone. He handed me the mug.

"'s okay." I took a cautious sip, hoping not to burn my tongue.

"What were you looking at?" he asked as I turned back to the window.

"Nothing in particular; I was just thinking of memories of you and me." I blushed pink, but the cold disguised it.

"What about us?" he asked, leaning towards me. I held my breath and tried to act normal but that was nearly impossible when around Walter. His eyes grew wider as he waited for an answer.

"Em... Like about how you have changed a lot," I mumbled then laughed nervously.

"What change?" he asked, his eyebrow arching.

Sarcastically, I said, "Your face has morphed into a giant potato, you're not as smart as you were and your jokes are worse," I laughed as he moved back, jumping on the couch.

"That change isn't pretty good? Right?" he asked as I cupped my chin in my hands.

"Not really." I paused before bringing up something I'd been waiting to talk to Walter about. "Last week, well about that day, I am really sorry. I overreacted and did not realize how worried you were when I was kidnapped."

He sighed and stood, putting his hands in his pockets. "You have no idea how worried I was. But Stefan, he seems..." he tried to voice his pain but stopped.

"Stefan? He is just a good friend, I can assure you of that much." I chose not to continue speaking of the matter, as I knew how angry Walter got when Stefan was the main point of conversation.

"I have to go, Ella is going to South Africa for a month so I have to help her get ready," he said, changing the subject.

"She is going for a month? Can I come with you?" I asked but he said that I needed to get some rest and that he could handle it.

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