Chapter 2: Ivy

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Still three years earlier....

It was a nice day out. It was partly cloudy with sun thrown in there to make it perfect. It smelled of grass. I really don't why it smelled like grass when there was much grass to be found. But I guess it is mystery. Kinda like the fact that it was windy out even though the clouds did not move. But I think that had to do more with the fact that Fern was flapping her wings above me right now.
I didn't see her till it was too late. I jumped and let out a yelp. She did it again. She comes out of nowhere with this proud look on her face and scares me half to death. You would think I would get used to it but no!
"What do you mean by scaring like that!?!"
Now she is looking more pleased than ever. I should mention that she is my best friend. I have never really made any friends besides her. Mostly because I would get mad at them then they would get freaked out and leave me. Fern has been the only one that has not ditch me. She is just so lovable and happy. I'm a little jealous of that but I will never admit it.
"Sorry." She said even though I can hear happiness in her voice.
I would have kept going to some nastier things but I heard this sound coming from the distance. It sounded like a terrible screeching noise and a boy yelling.
" did you hear that" I whispered
Fern sort of looked confused now. I really do think she needs a hearing aid because she never hears the things I hear.
" listen, there it is again" it seems to be coming closer.
I think she heard it this time because she took me for a fun ride. She grabbed me by the arm and lifted me into the sky. It is almost like a carnival ride except more dangerous.
"Really" I yell at her. The only real downside of flying "air Fern" was the pain in my wrists I get. She landed me on a tree where I almost fell of but good thing she was there to stop that.She then soared higher in the air trying to get a better view while I just stood on this shaky tree alone. It was scary.
"See anything?"
"Nope. I need you show me where the noise is coming from"
"Leave it to me." Finally something I could do to help but first I had to get down from this hellish tree. She put her arms out for me to grab so I could get down.
When we got down to the ground I tried to listen carefully to everything around me. We started walking in the direction we heard the noise come from before. Then I heard pounding of feet. One pair seemed human, the other seemed heavier.
"Wait, someone's coming" I grabbed her arm so she wouldn't go any farther.
Then there was a growl and another yell. So I did the logical thing and ran toward the commotion to see what was going on. I guess I ran faster than I thought because I did not see fern anywhere behind me.
I was looking behind me trying to see if fern would catch up to me when.... A boy runs into me. I swear that boy is like a rock but i guess a rock is smart enough to stand still instead of running into people on a mission.
"Ow" I said angrily.
"I'm sorry." I was not in the mood for an i'm sorry. So I did what any other person would do if a shaggy haired boy ran into them. Two words: slap him.
"What was that for? I said i was sorry!"
"Seriously, you frickin' tripped over me! What were you expecting an apology for my height!" I was going to say more but he interrupted me "look, I really am sorry but seriously we have to get outta of here." He grabbed my arm! What the hell was he thinking touching me! " let me go!" I ripped myself away from him. He looked like he might have something to say when a loud screech came over. He then said something else but I was not really listening, the only thing I got out of it was "griffin after me." But that is when I took off.
I probably ran the fastest I have ever ran. The trees where basically a blur of green. My hair blow back making it look awesome, I'm just assuming.
I finally got to Fern. (By got to I meant almost ran into) the only thing I could manage to say was "gri-gri-griffin "
"Well technically a boy, who told me to run back this way. Did you not hear the word griffin!"
I then realized what she had been holding in her hand. I didn't even really know what it was. It was so shiny and awesome! And as you know I don't use the word awesome lightly.
"Where did you get that." I was waiting for her to answer me but she seemed in awe of it.
"I,uh,well...actually, I tripped over it"
. " You tripped over it" she nodded her head almost like she was trying to hide the fact that she did that.
Just then I hear someone yell "Crap Nuggets " oh no. I hope it is not who I think it is. Oh but it is...the boy I met earlier came stammering through brushes in a hurry.
"Hey, your the girl from earlier."
"No dip, Sherlock"
"Then why didn't you get out of here"
"I'd like take a moment to mention that I have no idea what's going on" fern said knowing I'd tell her later
"Long story short, I made a griffin mad" he said
"Why" I may have sounded snotty when I said but I really wanted to know why he would something so stupid.
"Well I may have-hey you found it" he then tried to grab the egg from her. He looked so panicked like he might have a heart attack.
The griffin was feet away. The creature was getting louder. There was only one thing that would work right now so I gave fern the signal to do what she does best. Well beside flying and everything else.
She throw me the egg so she could create a shield to protect us. The griffin ran into it several times. I guess she kept saying to herself "I think I can, I think I can." But really she never could. It was really amusing to be honest.
Fern was not going to be able to hold the shield up for much longer. She called me over to her and I knew what I was going to have to do. Unfortunately I was told not to kill it but you know whatever happens, happens.
I gave her two taps on the shoulder which meant for her to stop for the time I need to get in. I ran in as fast as could with my two daggers.
When I went in the griffin charged at me only for me to duck away at the last second. The griffin then realized she had missed then swiping at me so I slashed my dagger barely missing her wing. The feathers flew in the air like confetti. I saw a gap under her legs to so I took the chance and rolled under them. I got to the other side of her.
The griffin charged head on at me so I took the opportunity to jump on her back. She was bucking back and forth but slowly I made my up near the head where I took a blow to her head which knocked her out.
" what did you do that for" the boy asked looking a little upset
"Relaxed, stupid, she's just asleep "
"Let's get out of here" all of us nodded to that." I think town i this way" he pointed out
Fern started to pick me up and fly me away when the boy asked "hey, what's your guys names".( I hope we made the right decision to giving him our real names)."Thanks for saving my life, by the way, i'm cameron"
Then we'll all headed of in the sunset to live happily ever after...JK

Evanescence Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon