"We made Enzo Amore the realest guy in the emergency room." Seth takes a pause, before continuing.

"Pardon me Enzo wherever you are. But, how are you doing? We have left zero doubt..." 

The Dudley Boyz walk out, interrupting the two teams from engaging in verbal warfare.

"What are you talking about? You didn't beat anyone last night. The referee had to stop the match. All Ya did was stand there and twirl their mustaches like the Monopoly man. As far as we're concerned, the tournament needs to restart." Mark complains, fed up with the two teams bickering.

"If anyone deserves the opportunity, it's us! We are the baddest tag team on the planet. What the hell have you ever accomplished?" Devon exclaims. I paint a smile on my face as Bill and Eric's music blasts. The pair of us walk out, I smile at the reception we've garnered. Not even speaking yet.

"Listen up Simon and Garfunkel, you better call Mrs. Robinson and tell her you're gonna be late for dinner." Bill threatens, thick New York accent lacing his words.

"We've been listening to you run your mouths about taking out Enzo," I start, staring bullets at the tandem of Matthew and Seth.

"Enzo is our family, and you messed with our family. So, we're going to have to finish what we started last night. As for you Dudley's, Zo and I already knocked you out the tournament." He starts, pausing as he lets the insults sink in, before saying;

"There's only one word to describe you, and I'm gonna spell it out for ya! S-A-W-F-T! SAAAAWWFT!" Bill exclaims as he enters the ring, ready to take out all the men in the ring right now. Before he can, Tenille's music hits, causing her to strut out to the ring. Cold sunglasses shielding her eyes from the bright lights and cameras. The rising tensions melt away as they stare down at her. Confused as to why she's out here.

"Don't you have something better to do? Like take care of your husband? Be that good wife we know you are. Be the good wife that these people know you are. Just leave wrestling to the professionals." Tenille says to me. I take a deep breath, stepping closer to her, Bill holds a massive arm in front of me. Preventing me from doing anything. Stephanie's music starts up, moments later, she walks out with a microphone in hand.

"Instead of this breaking down this is going to be a 10 man mixed gender tag match. Emma, the Vaudevillians and the Dudley boys against The New Day, Colin Cassady, and Nicole. And that match starts right now." She says as a ref starts running out to ringside. 

"You want to start?" Ettore asks. I nod my head. The men get out the ring and stand on the apron as Emma steps in, prepared for a fight. I stare straight ahead at her, before the official rings the bell, immediately, we lock up. Her gaining the advantage, putting my in a headlock almost immediately. Catching me off guard. I glance the side of her head with a powerful kick. Going up to the top rope in the wrong territory. The gentlemen from Tenille's team going after Austin, Kofi, Ettore and Bill. I set my sights on the chaos ensuing as my teammates are quick to lay out the other members of their team. I look back in the ring, being given no time for what's to happen as I get pushed off of the top turnbuckle. I tense my body up, ready to take the detremental bump, but before my body makes impact with the black floor padding, it make's contact with a 7 foot tall tan man that goes by the name of Bill. I smile gratefully at him, as he holds me bridal style.

"KISS!" the chants erupt, deafening both Bill and I both as he sets me back onto the apron.

"Thanks." I call out. Not being given any time to check to see if he's acknowledged me, I'm hit with a few deadly chops, cornering me in my own corner. Ettore tags himself in, sensing my need for help. Tenille rushes out as Seth hops over the top rope to enter the ring against Ettore.

"You alright?" Bill worriedly asks me, I nod my head. Not paying him any mind. Moments later, Ettore tags in Bill. He clears house singlehandedly, not needing any help. Tenille sneaks up on Matthew, tagging in, noticing that he'd desperately needed the help. She unceremoniously tosses me out of the ring, closest to their team's corner. I kick her in the jaw, then get hit with a spinning heel kick, almost immediately as she carries me into the ring, tossing my back out the ropes, using maximum force, my momentum between the run and her shove, enough to make me hit my head on the edge of the table


Bill is the first one on his team to notice Nicole laying face first on the ground out. Not even capable of moving, the official exits the ring to check on Nicole as Bill, Ettore, Kofi and Austin force Mark, Devon, Matthew, Seth and Tenille to take steps backwards. The official realizing that she's out cold, tosses up the 'X' and seconds later calls for the time keeper to ring the bell.

"What this twenty four hours has been for Enzo Amore and his wife Nicole." Michael Cole murmurs, sounding defeated as Eric comes out to see his wife. The crowd cheers for him as he comes over. Having no plan to come out into the WWE Audience, but having not much of a choice.

"This has gotta be hard on Cass. First his partner, now his partners wife. These three are family." Bryan says. 

"Exactly what happened last night, except it happened to Enzo." JBL points out. They call a medic to rush down with a stretcher. She wasn't 100% out of it, as they'd initially thought. Nicole reached out for a hand, not having a clue who's it belonged to. Hoping in the depths of her mind that it's her husbands. Thankfully, she was right.grabbed someone's hand. She hadn't the slightest idea who's it was. It was thankfully Eric. She holds tightly onto his hand.

"Can you go to the hospital with all her stuff? I want to ride with them." Eric asks Bill, it didn't seem like she was going to ease her death grip on her husband anyways. 

"Yeah. Course." Bill responds, not thinking much of the task the smaller man has asked of him.

 "Thanks man." Eric says. 

"No problem dude." Bill shrugs as he walks away from the crazy scene of his best friend walking closer and closer to the ambulance to load his best friends wife onto it.

EA Stole My Heart - E. AmoreOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz