"I didn't tell you everything last night, because you weren't exactly sober and I thought it wasn't the best idea to tell you." He said, looking at me apologetically.

I nodded my head and leaned forwards as I rested my elbows on my thighs and looked at him curiously. He cleared his throat and extended his hand out in my direction. He was holding a magazine in his hand.

"Yesterday I made my research on Sylvia Starr. According to my trusted friend, google, she is the younger sister of Maxwell Starr. When he was still alive, they weren't very close. I think it had to do something with the inheritance, I'm not sure. After his and his wife's death, though, and Angelina's disappearing she came in London for a small period of time as she searched for her niece." He started explaining to me. I pressed my lips into a thin line and took the magazine he was holding. In the front was a picture of a brunette woman, maybe around forty years old, she had sunglasses on and her head was down as she tried avoiding the paparazzi.

"She was the woman that had looked for her in the past, but Alexander made sure to hide all Angelina's traces. After a while, she left, thinking that her niece was dead too. She is Angelina's aunt and she also happens to be one of the most powerful women in America. She took a lot of her brother's companies, but never came to London again." Louis told him, pointing with his fingers at the woman in the magazine.

"That's perfect, Louis. I have to meet this woman, tonight. If she stills cares about Angelina and wants to find her she will help us, she is a powerful woman. I have to speak with her." I told him, I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Hope.

Louis didn't seem to as excited as I was though. The smile that was previously plastered on his face had now turned into a frown and he was rubbing his palms together nervously.

"There is also something else I need to tell you. I didn't know about it until today, everyone is talking about it." Louis said in a low voice.

"What is it?" I asked, placing the magazine I was holding on the side. My full attention was on Louis now.

He took a big breath and then spoke.

"Maxwell's Starr daughter has been found and now lives with her aunt. Angelina is in New York with her aunt and she is about to take up her father's inheritance." He blurted out so fast I almost didn't catch it, almost. What he told me knocked me out. I had to blink a couple of times in order to understand that I wasn't dreaming. He really just said that Angelina was with Sylvia in New York. She was with her.

But how? I was sure that Daniel had taken her.

I couldn't believe it. It didn't make sense. Daniel escaped that night and Angelina disappeared, it only made sense that he took her with him. So how could this happen? She suddenly appears out of no where, she was missing for almost a year. If she was with her aunt then why didn't the media know about it until this very moment?


Sylvia was the one responsible for that. She was the person that had prevented Officer Johnson from searching for Angelina. Only someone with power could do that, and Sylvia surely possessed that. She hid Angelina from everyone, but why? Why would she do that?

What about Daniel?

"Harry. Did you hear what I said?" Louis asked, raising his voice. I snapped out of my thoughts and shook my head as ran my hands through my hair, messing it up.

"What the hell is happening here?" I whispered. Everything was so fücked up.

"I honesty don't know, Harry. When I heard it I was as shocked as you are now. It took me a while to process everything and come here to talk to you. But I thought it would make you happy. She is alive and safe, Harry." He told me, I felt his hand on my shoulder, but I didn't look at him.

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