54 Youngjae: More Than Friends

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Day 4 of the Got7 Special~

Requested by:@YoungjaeAndWoozi2379 (@wooshinnoticeme) & youngjaems-  

Both of your requests were sort of similar along the lines of liking him or each other for a long time or friends for a long time, so I combined it! Hope u two like it! 


"Come on it's about time you confess already" Taehyung elbowed you, "I am, I am... I'm just... getting ready..." you cleared your throat and pretended you needed to stretch, "yah y/n youngjae is just there will you hurry up before he leaves school?" Taehyung pushed you towards him not letting you stall for more time. Youngjae was one of your best friends, you knew each other since you were kids and the two of you were known for having a 'some' relationship where the both of you seemed to like each other but aren't together and when everyone asks you about your relationship with Youngjae, you'd both just say you were really close friends, but deep inside you really liked him and you fell in love with not just his looks but also his sweet persona, he had a really affectionate and gentle side that made your heart flutter. Taehyung another good friend of yours was the only person you told about your secret feelings for Youngjae, it was embarrassing and you didn't want other people to know in case Youngjae doesn't like you the way you do. Being Taehyung, he insisted that you had to confess your feelings to him and you had to tell him how you felt, thus the reason why today Taehyung is pushing you towards Choi Youngjae as you held a hand-written letter behind your back.

"Stop stop omg" you held onto Taehyung as he kept pushing you catching everyone's attention, the reason why Taehyung was so pushy was because today was the last day of school before you all part ways and go to college, Taehyung wanted you to tell him straight in the face before you go your separate ways and would never get a chance with Youngjae again. "Oh hey y/n-ah, I was just looking for you, let's go get some last-day-of-school-I'm-never-coming-back-to-this-nightmare-of-a-school-yogurt, taehyung you're coming along too right?" Youngjae smiled as he held your wrist pulling you out of school when you finally got the guts to stop him. "Wait Youngjae-ah I need to tell you something..." you halted making him stop in his tracks and face you, "why? Is something wrong? Did you sprain your ankle or something? Does it hurt? Do you need me to carry you?" Youngjae panicked, "No No Nothing like that... I just.... Erm.... Here" you gave up on trying to explain yourself and handed him the letter instead.

"What's this?" Youngjae took the letter and opened it as he read, 'Dear Youngjae, if you're reading this it means that I've chickened out from telling you face to face and so I'm going to tell you through this letter instead. I know we've been friends for a long time that I can't even remember how long I've known you, but I remember meeting you for the first time when we were kids possibly five or six years old at the playground in our neighbourhood on the slide when I was scared of sliding down and you came to talk to me asking me why I wasn't going down the slide, when you heard that it was because I was scared, you said you'd slide down with me and promised that it wasn't scary. Ever since that day when you slide down the slide with me, you've always been by my side and assuring me everything isn't scary and that I shouldn't be scared, just like that I found myself slowly relying on you more and more and without myself knowing I started to fall for you. Most of the girls fell for your looks but the more I came to know about you, I started to fall for your wonderful and charming personality. Today's the last day of school and I really want to tell you how I feel because I don't know if I'll ever get the chance again, Choi Youngjae I really really like you and I hope you'll feel the same way about me. –y/n' Youngjae paused for a while after reading the letter trying to digest the information and collect his thoughts, he didn't know what to say and just simply stared at the words in front of him.

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