Chapter Thirty Eight: Getting Ready For The Festival.

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If you guys are still reading this, I am amazed at what loyal readers you are ;-;

September 20th

Nagisa's POV.

The next day, I woke up to my Mum calling me.

"Nagisa. You have some friends here." She said.

"I do?" I questioned. I've been getting along with my mum a lot more lately. We're able to communicate more. I got out of bed and got my clothes on. I didn't do my hair or anything since it's probably Karma, but when I walked through, I was so wrong. "What are you all doing here?!" I exclaimed. It was Rio, Yuzuru, Kaede, Hunter, Karma, Ai, Ichirin, Ryunosuke and Rinka. The R-Class just stared at me with blank expressions. "What?" I questioned.

"Your hair is so long." Hunter said. I sweat dropped.

"Yeah. I know." I said.

"Hurry up and get ready man." Karma asked.

"Why are you all here so early?" Nagisa asked.

"Suiko sent a text asking us to meet her in town." Ai stated.

"Oh." I said.

"Why are you shaking?" Rinka questioned Ichirin.

"It's never good when she asks us to meet her." Ichirin said, which sounded like a cry.

"Why?" Kaede asked. Yuzuru had lines under her eyes.

"Y-y-y-you'll see soon." She said with her eyes closed.

Chapter Thirty Eight: Getting Ready For The Festival.

I quickly got ready and pretty soon, we left. We went to the park full of sakura trees and saw A lot of people getting ready for the festival.

"So this is where the festival is taking place?" I asked.

"Mhm. From what I heard, sakura trees are the eldest daughter's favourite trees." Kaede said. I just blinked. I then looked at Rio, who looked at me. Could it really be Saika? From what I heard, she loves those trees too. Soon, the rest of E-Class and R-Class showed up, except for Akihito, Aria, Jasmine Suiko, Saika and Akita.

"Where is she? She's the one who wanted to meet us here." Haru said as he looked at his watch.

"Maybe she got stuck in traffic?" Hinata suggested.

"Hey!" We heard someone shout. We all looked and saw Suiko running to us while waving. "Sorry I'm late!" She shouted as she approached us. She began to pant as she stopped running. "Traffic is crazy. The bus got delayed." She said.

"Yeah. Everyone is getting ready for the festival, so it's going to be hectic." Mel said.

"Where are Akihito, Aria, Jasmine and Akita?" Suiko asked.

"Aria, Akihito and Jasmine have a shift today. They should be finished in 10 minutes." Ichirin said.

"And Akita?" Suiko asked.

"She couldn't make it. Her dad is keeping her in today." Yuzuru said.

"Why?" I questioned.

"S-she's getting r-r-ready for the f-festival." She said. She didn't stutter a minute ago. Is she ok with me?

"Well that's ok. I'm not worried about Akita as I am for the rest of you." Suiko said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rio asked. Suiko sighed.

"I doubt any of you have any kimono's that will be good for this festival is what I mean." She said.

"Hey!" We all exclaimed, offended.

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