Chapter Seventeen: Who is, Oberyn?

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Chapter Seventeen: Who is, Oberyn?


I hate when I cry in front of others, it makes me look weaker than I already am. Zac managed to hit a soft spot within me because of his spite and cruelty.

Alexander managed to cheer me up a little after he let me cry out my feelings and tell him everything.

Everything as in what went down at breakfast, how I was put on the spot more than once and forced to talk about my dead parents.

But, I didn't tell Alexander about what happened last night with me and Zac.

"My brother is an idiot and you are too good for him, Natalya. I really want you and if you lose this competition which I am sure you won't, but if you do, I will do everything to make you mine and to stop anyone including my brother, from hurting you," Xander stroked my cheek with his hand as I brought my lowered gaze up to his eyes.

I did like Alexander and I definitely would not mind if he was mine and I was his. He had a good heart.

We were sat at the edge of his bed and whilst sniffing up I laid the side of my head on Xander's shoulder, "I am really glad I met you, thank you, Alexander."

Alexander swung his arm around me and brought me into a comforting embrace, "you are beautiful, the only human I have ever met that I can actually stand and don't worry about it, princess."

Smiling and wiping my eyes one last time, I decided it was time to stop being emotional and time to get back on my feet. I removed my head from Alexander's shoulder and turned to him, "so what have you planned for my stage two practice?"

For a second Xander was surprised at my sudden mood change but I gave him a reassuring smile, "I need to take off what happened at breakfast off my mind and focus..."

"Alright, I like this attitude and what I have planned for you is right here..." Alexander trailed off and I looked around the room for a second then arched my brow in confusion, "huh?"

Alexander chuckled, "I have royal blood, you never asked if I had any special abilities like my father, brother and sister."

Oh yeahhh.

I almost forgot, how could I forget that?

"I wanted to ask you the other day at the archery range, what is your 'special' power?" I asked whilst picking my legs and dress up from the floor and crossing them on the bed, becoming interested in the topic of abilities.

This talk about abilities reminded me that I had to make certain that I could control fire before I blabbed it to my brother and Lord Hilbert. I also needed to find out who Oberyn was.

Silver streaks formed in Xander's eyes as he smirked and brought my attention to his fingers that he was slowly rubbing together instead of his eyes, "watch closely..."

I did as he told me to and watched him rub his fingers together until he clicked them and I jumped, finding myself on my feet and no longer sat on his bed.

The gasp that left my mouth made Xander laugh at my shock. "You- How- What- This is really whoa, are we really here or what? Did you teleport us somewhere?" I questioned whilst stammering, completely taken back by the big location change.

"I know this might sound confusing but, we are still in my bedchamber..." Xander smiled proudly at our surroundings which I was super fascinated by.

We were stood in the middle of endless amounts of water, like no joke, we were literally stood in the centre on some kind of circular podium surrounded by water in the middle of the day.

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