-Chapter 1-
The alarm was flowing through her dreams forcing her to wake up. She fluttered her eyes open and stared at the clock. 6:25 a.m. it read. She groaned, turned off the clock got dressed and went to work.
"Valentina!" The old maid yelled from across the kitchen of the castle. "Yes, Ruby?" She stepped closer to Ruby. "Prince Will is still asleep, go up and start cleaning before he wakes up." The old maid pointed to the door with her butter knife. She shrugged and walked along to the door. She didn't want Ruby to see how excited she was to go back up to Prince Will's room. She arrived at the door and turned the knob slowly and walked in. As usual, Prince Will kept his room very organized, but there was always something out of place. She scanned the room slowly and found a shirt on the floor by his bed. She smiled and walked over to the shirt, picking it up slowly without making a sound. She walked over to the laundry when she heard it, a whisper. "Valentina?" She quickly turned around and saw Prince Will sitting upright putting his hand into his hair. He wasn't wearing a shirt and Valentina couldn't help but stare at his broad muscles for a moment. Valentina caught herself starring before he noticed it, and replied "Yes, Prince Will? I'm just on my way out." She put the shirt in the dirty laundry and headed for the doors. "Valentina?" The Prince called right before she got to the door. She turned around,
"Yes Prince Will?" She stayed in her place. "Thanks- um for cleaning" he quickly added. "No problem. Is that all Prince Will?" He turned to look into her eyes. "I will be going to the gardens at 10." He stopped for a minute. She wanted him so badly to ask her to join but "How could a Prince love a maid? It's never been like that, that's not the way it works." She has repeated that same line in her mind ever since she met Prince Will to keep her from falling for him, but it never planned out the way she wanted it to, but she never stopped repeating the words.
"Would you care to join me?" He asked.
The question caught her off guard but managed to keep a smile. "Of course, Prince Will." She headed back for the door and reached the door knob.
"One more thing, call me Will." He smiled and she returned the smile "Of course Pri- er, Will." She smiled and walked out. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't keep the smile off her face, "How could a Prince love a maid? It's never been like that, that's not the way it works." She repeated it in her mind all the way to the kitchen.
When she returned to the kitchen, Lily, another maid the same age as Valentina, was washing the dishes. She turned as she heard the door open and smiled. She went back to her dishes
"Hey, whats up?" She asked
"Not much, having fun cleaning dishes?" She teased walking over to the other set of dishes on the sink next to her.
"Of course! Is there anything in the world that's better than cleaning dishes?!" She joked and they laughed for awhile. Then Lily stopped laughing but still smiling, put down her dishes and faced Valentina. She studied Valentina's eyes. "What?" Valentina didn't like the feeling of being eyed by someone. "Oh nothing, but um oh yeah, Ruby said something about Prince Will and how you were cleaning up there." She smiled at Valentina so much Valentina knee the question coming. "Are you still like in love with him?" Valentina stopped her dishes and stared at Lily for a second and went back to the dishes without saying anything but shrugged. "Come on, it's more than," and she recopied Valentina's shrug. "What happened up there?" Valentina knew she couldn't hide anything from her best friend. "He invited me to the gardens." Lily squealed and jumped up and down. "Oh my god! Wait! You never answered my question." "What question?" She asked. "Are you still in love with Prince Will or what?" Valentina hesitated. "You know very well I don't know how to stop." And a quick tear rolled down her cheek before Lily noticed.-Chapter 2-
At 9:30, Valentina got ready for her walk in the Gardens with Will. She went back to the dorm after cleaning the royal ball room, Lily was waiting on the bed with a blue dress laid next to her.
"What is this?" Valentina asked.
"It's what your going to wear for your date!"
"It's not a date!" Valentina argued.
"Say whatever you want." She lifted her hands in the air and got off from the bed. As she was walking toward the door she turned around. "Have fun on your date." She winked and left the room.
Valentina sighed, and went over to the bed. She picked up the blue dress, "It is pretty." She mumbled to herself. She looked around the room and went into the bathroom and changed.
Valentina was walking through the castle towards the Gardens where Will, will be waiting for her. will he come? Is he going to forget? She thought, "How could a Prince love a maid? It's never been like that, that's not the way it works." She repeated it one more time in her mind. When she got through the door Prince Will was waiting on the bench. He looked up and saw Valentina, and her beautiful blue dress strolling toward him, he smiled. "Wow, you made it exactly at 10," He said looking down at his watch. Then he looked back at Valentina, "You look beautiful." He rose his arm and she took it, walking together side by side through the Gardens. She was looking through all the roses but she knew Will was starring at her through it all. She finally looked up at him and found out she was right, he had been starring. She smiled "You know, it's not polite to stare." She teased.
Will looked across from her, his face turning red.
"I'm joking."
He looked back at her "Do you want to this again soon?" He looked into her eyes. "Of course! This was fun!" She turned and smiled at the roses. He let go of her and went to pick up a rose. He cut the thorns off and returned to her. "A beautiful rose, for a beautiful lady." He smiled and gave her the rose, they returned to the castle and Valentina was starring at the rose, smiling.-Chapter 3-
Valentina skipped across the room with the rose Will had gave her earlier that day. She stopped and went over to a cup, she took it to the sink and put water in it. She smiled at the rose another time and plopped it in the cup. She took the cup with the rose to her room and put it on the window sill humming her favorite song.
Valentina never heard Lily come in and jumped when she leaped onto the bed.
"Jesus! Why the hell are you always scaring me like that?"
"Sorry, but your so fun to scare!" She teased.
"Ok, so what's up?"
"Nothing but- what is that!!" She stumbled over the bed to the window sill and took the flower. "Someone has some explaining to do." She raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, thats just a gift from Will."
"You call him Will?"
"Yeah, he told me to call him that."
"Don't get like that! He has no intrest in me." She shrugged and grabbed the rose from Lily and put it back in its cup.
"Oh yeah," She walked toward the door. "No guy is intrested in a girl to give her a rose, and get to call him by his first name. Yeah he really isn't into you." And with that she left the room.
Valentina was in the ball room mopping the floor. When all of sudden the door opened with various people coming in. She ignored them and continued her mopping. She went over where the tables were supposed to be laid when she heard a voice behind her. "Hi there." She turned and smiled at Will. "Hi yourself." She walked over to the tables in the storage room followed by Will. "You know, you can ask for help." He obviously wanted to help her with the tables, but she wanted to show him she can take care of herself. "Yeah I know, but it's fun to do things on my own." Ok so she was lying but Will couldn't see that. "Are you sure about that?" Meeting her eyes. What should she say? "To be honest, no." She walked to another table and when she looked up she saw Will helping her lift it up. She smiled "Thanks,"
"No problem! Anything for a pretty lady."
She immediately looked down trying to keep him from seeing her blush. He laughed "Am I making you blush?"
She looked up "No, well Yeah, just a little."
"Good," he smiled up at her and she returned the smile.
"Son, would you like to come with us back to the rooms?" King Gregory came in when they finished 4 tables. "Um," he looked up at Valentina who was trying to keep from making eye contact. "Yeah, let's go. Bye Valentina." And she just nodded, not wanting him to leave so soon.

The Prince & The Maid
RomanceValentina is a hard working maid of the Stora Sunby Castle. And how could she not fall for the grogeous Prince Will? But how could a prince love a maid? Its never been like that, thats not the way it works she keeps repeating. But then she realizes...