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Tonight, Payback is getting off the ground. Opening the main show in just a few minutes is Eric, Bill, Seth and Matthew. Enzo and Cass vs The Vaudevillians, a tournament leading up to this will now end tonight as NXT blood will be streaming throughout the Allstate Arena. With me not having a match, it means that I can focus my love and energy towards Eric. Their first shot at the big times.

Eric walks into their locker room, coming back from stretching out his muscles. He leans down, about to give me a peck on the lips.

"Eric, Bill, you guys are needed in Gorilla right now." One of the stagehands informs, as he knocks on the door. Eric groans, and quickly kisses me before rushing out with Bill. I stay in the locker room. Deciding to watch what happens on the TV in here. As the Vaudevillians walk out into the arena. I decide to rush into Gorilla to get to see them immediately after they become the new number one contenders. 

The match starts to take off, the four men really getting into the storytelling in the match, when Seth attempts to throw Eric out of a ring. A move that Matthew and Eric have done countless times on the house shows. My heart drops as Eric's head bounces violently off the second rope, then hits the mat, sending him tumbling sloppily out of the ring just moments afterwards. I look to Vince, waiting for the okay to go out and make sure that my husband is alright. The bell sounds and that's when Vince nods his head. I run down to ringside where he lies limply. Bill looking distraught at seeing his best friend laying almost lifelessly outside of the ring. The medics come rushing down the ramp with the stretcher, quick to pick him up so the billion dollar company can continue their action packed night. Silently, I pray that this isn't the end to Eric's career. Moves like this can cause lasting effects. Much like Daniel Bryan's. Bill looks over at me, smiling softly, attempting to reassure me that Eric will be okay. I glance back down at Enzo, him still not moving a muscle as they show another replay of what just happened a few moments ago. The doctors finally get him strapped in, ready to move him into the ambulance in the back. I eagerly take a step forward, anxious to hold his hand, feel his touch. Dan warns me to take a step back. I roll my eyes, but comply. Knowing that if I'm difficult they'd be less likely to allow me to see my baby. Bill and I would have the pleasure of heading to the hospital in just a little bit. Bill kept a comforting arm around me as we walked slowly behind the medical team. We've never had to leave the arena like this, and I never thought that we'd have to. They pack Eric into the back of the ambulance. Not even bothering to join them, Bill and I need to stick together in a time like this. I sigh as the WWE cameras make sure that they film him leaving. Bill embraces me tightly as I take a deep breath, swallowing down the tears. Stephanie and Shane walk over to where the ambulance once was. Now speeding it's way down the highways to the nearest medical facility. I let go of Bill as Stephanie starts speaking;

"Can you keep us updated on Eric? We hope that he's alright."

"We're going to wait to decide on anything till we get an update. If that's alright with you." Shane elaborates. Bill shakes his head.

"Matt and Seth deserve it, give it to them." 

"I'll talk to Eric and ask what he wants," I tell the two of them, having them disregard Bill's previous statement.

"Thank you, we really appreciate it." Shane tells us sincerely.

"Wait, why can't we give it to them? I'm apart of this team too." Bill argues.

"You're upset, you shouldn't be making these rash decisions." I defend, he sighs, knowing that I'm right. Stephanie and Shane flash their million dollar smiles before walking off, leaving Bill and I alone.

"Why can't we just give it to them? We don't even know how long Eric will be out," He points out as we start walking towards the locker room.

"It's all up to Eric and the doctors, don't take away his choice." I plead. He sighs once more, but nods his head.

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