thirty nine

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heyooooo ! i'm so pumped for summer ! what're you guys up to this summer?? anything exciting ? life changing ? lemme know im interested


evanescent (adjective) -vanishing quickly, lasting a very short time.

"So, you and Harry are going to have some private time, huh? In the hot tub?" Sophia opened her bedroom door and gestured for us to go downstairs to the boys.

"Well," I followed her out into the hallway. "I guess so. It works right? Harry was saying that it might not be working."

"Oh yeah, it works. Daddy had it fixed last month."


"Just be safe, okay? And don't make a mess. I have condoms in my bedroom drawer-"

"No, uh, no." I zealously interrupted Sophia, my face blushing a deep red. "Harry and I are...but we haven't..."

Oh god. I couldn't even believed that she had just assumed that. Did all of Harry's friends assume that too? Did Harry tell them that?

"Oh!" She paused for a moment. "It's just...Harry doesn't date virgins."

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows, taken back by her claim.

"Oh, don't take that the wrong way." Sophia quickly assured me, placing her hand over my arm as an action of comfort. "That's just a trend within the girls he dates. His relationships are usually pretty sexually advanced early on. I mean, I've known Harry since we were just kids, I know these things."

"I know about Harry's past with girls-"

She seemed deeply surprised that Harry talked about his past. "He told you about that?"

"Yes." I rushed to say, wanting to understand what she had meant. "But how did you know do you know that I'm a virgin? I'm pretty sure that Harry doesn't even know that."

Sophia stopped walking and so did I. "How long have you and Harry been dating?"

"Um, it's hard to measure exactly, since we just became monogamous a few weeks ago. But we've been generally dating for, what, almost three months?" I looked down at Liam and Harry, who were chatting excitedly by the base of the steps, before looking back up at Sophia, my voice lowered. "But what does that have to do with-"

"That's absolutely mind-blowing that Harry could stick with a girl that long." Sophia hummed softly to herself. "Anyway, Harry has sex with a girl within a week of dating her. So, any girl who's dated Harry over one week isn't a virgin, and you've been dating him for months and you've never had sex together."

I took a moment to fully comprehend what she had said. I was almost angry that I wasn't so disgusted by Harry's one-week rule, but I knew that it was his past, and he was different now.

"Well, maybe Harry and I just hadn't had sex yet. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a virgin." I challenged. "I could've had sex prior to meeting Harry."

"That's a valid point." Sophia squinted her almond eyes at me. "But he always always goes by the one-week rule, it's like his religion. And you guys have never had sex, and you've been dating for a few months, so that makes me think. I'm sure Harry would be thrilled to have sex with you, and Harry is extremely sexually irresistible, so I start to think that you're the one putting off sex. And then I could also just tell that you're a virgin, I have senses for these things."

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