Chapter 1 ~ That One Marauder Who Captured My Heart

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All Harry Potter characters are owned by the lovely talented J.K.Rowling. Without her we would not have an amazing book series that everyone has, just about, grown up with



"I love you Mom." I whispered in my mother's ear.

She smiled and patted my back, "I love you too Katie."

We parted and I jumped into the scarlet red train that was about to depart to Hogwarts. I am eleven years old and a pure-blood witch, which I am not extrememly proud of. The train's carriage seemed to go for miles, kids my ages and above were darting in and out of compartments. I stopped at one of the windows, that was crystal clean, I could easily see my long, dark brown hair that flowed in ringlets down my back and stopped at my waist, my round, brown eyes and my height. I'm short, very short.

Kids were leaning out the windows waving goodbye. I pulled open the window and leaned out, searching for my mother. I found her, waving and calling my name, I waved back until train picked up speed and the platform was out of view.

I walked down the aisle looking for a spare compartment. Many were already filled with older kids so I just passed by them. Finally in one of the last carriages, I found one. Four boys, that looked around the same age as me, sat chatting in the compartment. I sighed At least it's better than nothing.

"May I please sit in here?" I asked politely.

They all looked at me and then three of the boys turned to the boy with short, messy, black hair and round glasses.

He shrugged.

"Sure." Replied a boy with light brown hair.

I smiled and pulled my trunk in and lifted it onto the rack and then sat down next to the door and a boy with long brown curly hair.

"You're first time too?" Asked the boy with short, messy, black hair.

I nodded.

"I'm James. James Potter." He introduced.

I shook his hand. "Katie. Katie Axel."

"The names Sirius Black, my fine lady." The boy with long, curly hair bowed down and kissed the top of my hand. Everyone laughed.

"I'm Remus Lupin," The light, brown haired boy said, shaking my hand.

I smiled and turned to the short plump boy.

"Peter Pettigrew," He squeaked.

"It's nice to meet you all," I grinned.

"What house do you all want to be in?" I asked curiously, hoping it would be a conversation starter.

"Gryffindor for sure!" James exclaimed loudly.

"Me too." Remus agreed.

"Me three!" Peter added.

All heads turned to Sirius. His mischievous smile was gone and was replaced with a glum expression.

"My whole family has been in Slytherin." He mumbled, suddenly very interested with his shoes.

James's mouth turned into an 'O' shape.

"I would never have guessed," He said shocked, patting Sirius on the back.

Sirius shrugged, "I hope I'm not though. I don't want to join Lord Voldemort or any evil force."

Everyone nodded understandingly and then turned to me.

"My mom was in Ravenclaw, but I don't think I'll be put there. I would really like to be in Gryffindor though." I said.

"FOOD FROM THE TROLLEY?" A loud voice came from the aisle.

I jumped from my seat at the same time as Sirius, James and Peter. Remus stayed seated.


The train soon slowed and stopped at the station. Kids scrambled out of the train, everyone already in their robes.

"FIR'S YERS!" Boomed a voice.

I turned around and saw a large man with black hair and beard. He was very tall. I recognised him as Hagrid, the game keeper, from my mother's stories.

"Over here!" I called to James, Remus, Sirius and Peter.

They followed me to Hagrid. Once everyone was with Hagrid, we walked to a dock that had small boats tied to it.

"Three to a boat." Hagrid instructed.

Sirius, James and Remus jumped in one boat while I was stuck with Peter and one other girl, with red hair.

After everyone was in a boat, we began to magically move towards Hogwarts.


"When I call your name, I would like you to come up here and sit on this stool and then I'll place the Sorting Hat on your head and you will be sorted." Professor McGonagall said.

She then pulled out a long scroll.

"Abbot, Liana."

A girl nervously walked up to the stool. She sat down and the hat whispered a few things to her before crying out "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The Hufflepuff table cheered.

"Adrian, Lucas."

A boy proudly walked up to the stool.

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled without a seconds thought.

"Axel, Kathryn."

I sucked in a deep breath and stumbled up to the hat. I sat down on the stool and saw Sirius and James giving me thumbs up before the hat covered my eyes.

"Hmm, interesting. I can see your mother's intelligence in you therefore Ravenclaw would suite you well. However I can see lots of bravery in you. So I'll put you in GRYFFINDOR!"

I grinned and the hat was taken off my head. I literally ran down the steps to the Gryffindor table and sat down.

"Black, Sirius."

I watched as Sirius walked up to the stool and sat down. After a minute the hat called "GRYFFINDOR!"

The room was silent for a few seconds until I started the clapping at the Gryffindor table. No one had expected him to be in Gryffindor.

After another ten minutes of sorting, Lily Evans went to Gryffindor, Amelia Bones and Kellan Hinds went to Hufflepuff, Lucius Malfoy went to Slytherin. Remus made it to Gryffindor as did James and Peter. Eventually the Sorting was over and the feast began.


Yay first chapter up!

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