The end

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a/n: this is the last chapter!!!! AHH! If you want a sequel tell me, and I'll work on it!! Anyways, here's the last chapter!

~Hikarus POV~

I wants into the room f/n was in, and I saw her, they were about to unplug her. "NO DON'T DO IT!" I yelled before they could. The nurse looked at me with sorry eyes "sir, she only has a 3% change of making it..." She said in a calm voice. I walked over to f/n and held her hand "yell that's the 3% change I'm taking for her..." I said and started crying. Ethan ran into the room, with police following him. "If it wasn't for that man out there that saw this man stab her, we would not of caught him!" The police yelled, handcuffing Ethan. My eyes widened. That man I saw out there saw the whole thing, and called the cops. I smiled and ran to him and hugged him tightly "thank you so much..." I said crying. The old man hugged me back and patted my back "no problem. You should go and see her..." He said smiling

I ran as fast I could back and I saw f/n. Her heart rate was going slower every minute. I couldn't help but cry again. I hugged her very tightly and cried "I'm sorry f/n, I am. It's all my fault....if I hadn't cheated on you this would've never happened....." I whispered into her ear and I felt something hug me "I forgive you..." A faint voice said. My eyes widened and I cried more, as I heart her heart rate going faster. She pulled away and looked at me with a teary-eyed smile. I couldn't help myself, I kissed her immediately and she kissed back. I pulled away crying even harder and she held my hand. "Why are you crying? I'm fine..." She said in her calm voice. I shook my head. I didn't even know why.

The doctor released her from the hospital, and we saw Ethan near the police car. I saw him reaching into his pocket for something. I held f/n tightly as I saw him take out a knife. Instead of hurting someone else, he stabbed his own heart as people ran to him. I knew he didn't make it, especially since he stabbed his heart. I picked up f/n and ran to my house with her. She looked back and saw Ethan bleeding to death, and she smirked "that's what you get, bitch..." I heard her mutter. I chuckled a little and I opened my door to see her parents there, crying. She snuck behind them and hugged them crying. Their parents looked at her, surprised and hugged her back to hike I was leaning on the door frame smiling. F/n walked over to me and held my hand "me and Hikaru, are officially a couple again!" She said and kissed my cheek. I smiled brightly as I heard congratulations from her parents. "You're a lucky man!" He dad said and I looked at him "I know I am." He chuckled and patted my back. I smiled and kissed her.

Everything went the way I wanted.

a/n; THE END!!! I really loved this story, so if you want a sequel, I will work on it! I told you someone would die! I want to thank everyone that encouraged me the continue this story! Without them, I would've ditched it without them!

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