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"Hello, is this thing on?".Aku

"For the love of- beep- that's - beep -ing loud."xviii KJd

"Just checking, Tyde."

"Just gimme the other mic, Tyme."

Right, back to the point. You know how prologues usually start out with the main character's cliché life and stuff well... The heroine of the story is ever so unfortunately dead. Not dead as in went to Heaven-slash-Hell dead but dead as in her soul faded away into darkness dead. You'll find out what we mean later. The hero's kinda busy-

"Getting laid."


Anyway, let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Once upon a time, in a not so long ago timeframe, there lived the golden couple- let's name them Kiera and Lazarus. They were... Well they were the couple that made other couples divorce-slash-breakup in envy.

"Good heavens, did you have to be so blunt, Tyde?"

"Hey, it happened before!"

Sadly, there is no such thing as happy endings.

"Tyme, but what about Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty..."


".....Aladdin and The Little Mermaid."

"Oh goodness, I apologize on behalf of my brother. He's just simple minded."

"Who're you callin' simple minded? Last time I recall I created the bacon marshmallow!"

"What in the world is a bacon marshmallow?"

"You tried it once!! Tyme, you're so mean."

"Back to the story."

Kiera and Lazarus were about to get married. Their Fate changed two months before he proposed.

She met someone else. Someone that was everything Lazarus wasn't. Someone who gave Kiera thrilling yet life-risking experiences.

Soon, it was time to make the decision. Lazarus, the sweet caring childhood sweetheard or James the rebellious prick that made her feel special.

Good guys come last, right? You can guess what happened.

"Okay, Tyde, enough narrating, we're going to spoil the entire story if we continue."


"Quick, it's time for our shift."

"Can we get a hot dog first, Tyme?"


"Okay okay, geez."

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