#2: PanxElsa

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p.s romance

Third Person POV *Elsa*

Elsa sat alone in her room, looking out the window at the nights snow and cold. It reminded her of when she used to play with her younger sister, Anna.

She sighed and walked to her windowsill. She wished she could go someplace where she could be free, and not afraid of her gift, and people would love and embrace her for who she is.

She found a place once, in her dreams.

It was called Neverland. She wished she could visit it again.

Maybe just once.

But she was sixteen now, and time for silly thoughts had no room in her head. Her parents have already been gone for two days on a trip to a different kingdom, and would be back in two weeks, they promised Elsa when they got back that they would have a surprise for Elsa, something to look forward to in her boring life.

As Elsa sat at her windowsill, she could make out a strange looking shape that looked like it was fly towards her. Elsa's eyes widened and she stood up in fright.

When her window opened suddenly, and the dark figure was in front of her, she stumbled back with a yelp.

She could already see the snowflakes surrounding her. 

As the shadow slowly inched to her face, Elsa was frozen with fear, and stared back into its burning yellow eyes.

The figure stretched out a hand, and spoke, "Come with me. You have nothing to fear." But Elsa was trembling, and did not say anything.

"Come. The king of Neverland awaits." Elsa gulped a small breath.
"Th-the king of...Neverland?" She tried to grip what was going on.

The shadow said nothing but grabbed her glooved hand. She was going to protest, and tell the figure of the danger of her powers, but thought in unnecessary, so she shut her mouth and let the shadow led her to the edge  of her window. 

Elsa looked down and pulled back. "I am mortal, if I am to fall, I will be killed."  She peered at the shadow.

"Then don't fall." And with that, they were off.


Elsa woke up in a clearing in a forest. It was warm, and she realized she wasn't in Arendelle. Elsa stood up and looked around, before she remember what happened, and realized where she was.

"Neverland." She said to herself with a smirk.

"Indeed." Fear hit her, and she spun around. She saw a boy, around her age, with different colored greens and browns patches for clothing, green eyes, brown hair, and a smirk that could kill.

"Wh-who, are you?" She asked as calmly as she could while keeping her hands behind her back.

"Well, you must remember me?" She looked at his face, as familiar as it was, she couldn't quite point it out.

"No, my apologies." She said gripping her gloves. The boy laughed.

"Well Elsa, I guess we haven't really met before. You were younger of course when you came, but then you stopped. So why might that be?"

Elsa looked at the boy. "And who might you be?" She asked a bit rude.

"The king of Neverland, love." She eyed him suspiciously.

A boy a king? But he's so young?

She tried to recall her times in Neverland when she was younger. It was all quite a blur, and she didn't remember who he was.

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