I started preparing our tea for tonight. We... Charlie was going to have steak with roast potatoes and vegetables and I was going to pretend to eat a little bit then leave and do homework and go hunting. I needed food or I would end up attacking someone at school tomorrow.

"How was your day?" I asked him casually, feeling slightly awkward with him just standing there watching me make tea.

"Good thanks, Bells. What about your first day of school?" he asked, "How was it?"

"It was good," I replied, "I made some friends; Mike, Jessica, Jasmine and Angela," I told him.

"Mike and Jasmine Newton and Jessica Stanley?" he asked.

"Yes, and Angela Weber," I told him sighing dramatically. He had to know nearly everyone in this small town.

"I know their families. They are nice people," Charlie informed me. Don't really care, I thought to myself. Mean, I know but I really don't care.

"Hey, Dad. Do you know the Cullens?" I asked him curiously.

"Yeah, they are great people," He responded, "Why?"

"Oh, no reason. It's just that, I noticed they didn't really have any friends at school. They just kept to themselves."

"The Cullen's are great people!" Charlie burst out, "They are a very close knit family, going off on family camping trips every other weekend! People need to stop with their stupid, rude rumors and just leave them alone!"

"Calm down Dad! I didn't mean anything bad about it. I was simply just saying they kept to themselves. They all seem like very nice people," I replied soothingly.

"Oh, well good. I don't need my own daughter going along with the rumors too. You're better than that." He said firmly. "Uh... Is there anything you would like me to help you with?" he asked me, yet obviously hoping I would say no. I don't even know why he asked.

"No dad, thank you for asking though," I told him and saw his undisguised face of glee.

"In that case I might go watch some television," he told me already walking to the living room.

I grinned when he was out of site. He was probably watching baseball or rugby. I called Charlie back out for dinner when it was ready. Our conversation was limited as he just dug into his meal. Afterwards, he went back to watching television while I cleaned up and walked upstairs to my room. I did my homework and as soon as Charlie fell asleep I was out the window and in the forest hunting.




I can't believe I actually agreed to Emmett's plan, I thought to myself as I sat in class the next day, So I may find her a little attractive but that didn't mean I liked her! Oh who am I kidding, I like her. When I saw her for the first time yesterday, and smelt her scent, I felt my heart squeeze for the first time since I was moved. This didn't mean I was going to fall in love with her though. As soon as I find out what she is, I can dump her and forget about her. I just have to find out a way to ask her out first.... My thoughts were broken off as the bell went, signaling the end of class and the start of lunch.

I got up gracefully and walked to meet my family in the cafeteria for lunch like I always do. They were sitting at the usual spot but with a new addition at the table. A shy and nervous looking Bella was sitting next to the only spare seat and I knew then that Emmett had made it happen like that on purpose.. Alice must have asked Bella to sit with them during Spanish. I walked up with a small tray of food and right away noticed that Bella didn't have any food with her. Emmett was teasing her and the others were laughing at Bella's expression. She seemed frightened, I realised with a jolt of concern. I tried reading her mind quickly and found that it was still blocked to me. I went and sat down with them, right next to Bella.

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