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:. Aubrey .:



"Dominoes pizza sucks ass, literally! Do you know how they make that shit? They have they workers put they bare booty ass on the pizza make em sit on it for a good long while. Then after they think it absorbed enough booty, pussy, and dick juice, they hop off don't even wash they hands, then they smooth it out to get rid of the crack and make the booty cheeks seem even." Diamond yelled.

For the past 15 minutes we had been arguing over where to get our pizza, Hungry Howies, Pizza Hut, or Dominoes. I myself was going for Papa Johns but I got outvoted. Fuckers.

"That is not how they make their pizza smartass. But hungry howies is better than all ya'll shitty ass suggestions." Des crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back on Ray who immediately wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. Which made her smile widely, which of course made him break out into the biggest grin I've ever seen. I sighed as I looked at Prod who was staring at me, his eyes full of concern and worry.

"what's wrong?" he mouthed.

"nothing. I'm fine." I mouthed back. He stared at me a little longer but I tried not to catch his gaze. He finally turned his attention back to the group.

"Pizza hut is not shitty. Which is the exact reason we should get it." Prince said.

"you know what. Fuck pizza. I say we get off our lazy asses and head to Taco Bell!" ray cheered.

"you know. For once, the dumbass is right. Lets go everybody!" diamond quickly got up along with Ray and gave him a high-5.

"OW! Dammit Ray!" des complained sitting up and rubbing her head. I guess when he got up he completely forgot about her and she fell down. I let out a slight chuckle but quickly stopped once she started glaring at me.

"My bad." He laughed. Taking her hand to help her up.

"Ha ha ha." She joked. Prod helped me up and wrapped his arm around me as we walked to our cars.

:. Diamond .:

Roc, Ray, Des, and I all decided to ride together. Halfway there I got bored and plugged my phone into the chord thing that allows the music to be played from the car speakers.

"Hol up. Hol. Up. Who the fuck you think you are takin over my stereo? What chu finna play girl?" ray ranted.

"I think I am Diamond White. 16 years old. I go to FSUS and I have Ms. Caterall as my homeroom teacher. My boyfriend is Roc Royal and his bestfriends are Prodigy, Princeton, and this dumbass named Ray Ray. My best friends are Rachel, Aubrey, and Desti motherfucking ny. And if you must know, I'm about to play Versace. The good version." I announced proudly while smirking. Des and Roc bursted into laughter at my remark.

A Mindless Behavior Love Story: Forced LoveWhere stories live. Discover now