Darn Idiots, I need my beauty sleep.
Finally after a few seconds I found myself dozing off again, only for my door to burst open and the one person I really didn't want to see popped into my room, flashing me a fangy grin.

"Good morning love, rise and shine!!" He said in a singsong voice.
Oh how I wanted to throw him through the wall.

"What are you doing here Edwin."
I sat up, throwing the oh so warm knitted blanket on the floor.
He smiled, and I swear I saw his teeth sparkle.

"Well, I'm here to spend time with my finance of course!"
Kill me now.
Seriously, burn me, hang me, anything other than this jerk.

He seemed to read my mind as his eyes turned black and he spoke in a cold voice.

"I will never let harm come towards you,
You are my beloved."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.
He smiled and reached out to stroke my cheek,
Frowning when I leaned away from his hand.

"alright lovely, get dressed into the green dress and black cape and meet me in the dining room!"

"Wait what I don't have a-"

But he had already flashed away.

3 0   M I N U T E S   L A T E R

I glared at him as we walked through the small market my village had.
"Stop glaring at me love, I didn't even look in your underwear bin."


Apparently he had snuck into my room before I woke up and gave me a 'gift', that gift being a skimpy purple satin dress and a silk black hooded cape.

I sighed and again tried to pull my hand away from his tight painful grip, as soon as we had exited my house he 'nonchalantly' began making sure I didn't try to runaway, which is stupid because where the hell would I run anyways?
To my house? He knows where I live, plus he has my scent, buffoon.

He began 'oo'ing' and pointing out fancy expensive jewellery, most of them being rings, which I would simply look at blankly before moving on to the next stand.

He again pulled me to a jewellery stand, full of wedding bands and rings. "Doesn't this one look nice, love?" Before I could even see what it was, he put it on my ring finger with a grin.

I growled and took it off, giving it back to the nice lady running the stand who looked slightly nervous and alarmed, not that I blamed her. "Stop Edwin" I demanded with a scowl.

He immediately turned cold as his jaw clenched.
"No, you stop Malina! All I've done is been nice to you, and all I want in return is your love and hand!" As he said this he gripped my arm, pulling me towards him.

His eyes were full of anger, hurt, and bloodlust.
"Edwin, I will never love you, I will never return your affection, and what you feel for me, it isn't love, its thirst." I ripped my arm out of his grip and began walking away.

"Malina! So help me if you walk into those woods ill-!"

"You'll what?" I cut him off, turning to look at the pathetic sight.
"Kill me?" I chuckled but I felt no humour.

"Bite me."

His jaw clenched, and I glared back at him for a moment, before walking away, into the calming alluring woods, making sure to cover my scent.


I kicked the closests thing close to me, which happened to be a giant boulder, my anger grew with each passing second.
Every vampire gaurd I had around me stayed still, making me glare at them.

"Well? Stop standing around you idiots, go find her, now!"
I ordered with black eyes.

They flashed away, and I grabbed a random village girl, quickly ripping open her kneck, ignoring all the gasps I heard, I drained her.

Run malina, run, but I will always catch you.
If you want to play, a game of cat and mouse we shall.


1161 WORDS.

Hello my lovelies!
Malina and the boys are back,
Just in time for halloween,
I missed this story so much,
If any of my old readers are still with me, thank you!

The trailer I have for this book is
An older one, but it was the first
Trailer I ever had,
And I still love it,
Credit to auratics

(Who also made my first cover for this book)

It does use my old cast,

But for now I'm still using it.

Thank you for reading,


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