Chapter 32

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Wonho's POV

We arrived at one of my parent's house. They opened the door and I got out. They stayed by my side and behind me. We walked in and my parents were in the dining room waiting for me. I walked in and bowed to them. My mom came up to me and smacked me. I stood there with my hands behind my back. I looked at my parents and my dad was the most mad at me. He stood up and sighed.

"Who said you had the right to call of the marriage," he said loudly.

"I never loved her," I answered.

"I don't care if you love her or not. That marriage was the most important to our business. Now that you called it off, we can't combine to have a bigger company" my dad said.

"Right because you just sacrifice your sons just so you could have more money," I said back.

"This is good for you too," my mom said.

"Really is it omma. If it was good, do you think Jooheon would have died," I said as my voice began cracking.

"Yah! He is long gone. Don't bring him up," my dad said slamming the table.

"Right because I can just forget about my younger brother. He loved someone and you forced him to marry someone else. You made the girl he loved dissappear. You made his life a living hell."

My dad grabbed the plate in front of him and aimed for me. Before he could throw it, my mom stopped him. I pushed the security guards away and ran away.

I went to a safe place and rested for a bit. Then I went back to Min-Seo's house. She was asleep so I quickly packed my stuff and left.

"I'm sorry Min-Seo. Don't hate me. I'll come back," I whispered then kissed her forehead.

Min-Seo's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone. I walked to the bathroom to get ready for school. I went back to my room after I finished to change. There was a note on my computer when I got back.


Mianhae. I have to leave for a bit. For now, pretend you never met me or heard of me. Don't even talk about me or try to contact me. Right now, you won't be safe with me. Go back to the life you had before you met me. I know you hated your life before but please try your best. Please don't tell anyone about this. I will be back, I promise. I'm very sorry but please do as I tell you if you want to be safe.


I wiped my tears away and wanted to call him but I couldn't. I hid the note somewhere in my room. I went out to the kitchen and got a ride from my mom to school. Ji-Yu just got out of her car as I arrived at school. We went to the bench and sat with Shownu and Min Hyuk.

"Annyeong," I said to them.

"Annyeong. Where's Wonho," Shownu asked.

I could feel sweat coming down my forhead. I did not know how I was going to answer his question.

"He had to go somewhere for a while. He'll be back soon."

I walked away and went inside the school to grab papers I missed from yesterday. I was walking out the office, when I bumped into Kihyun. I rolled my eyes and left. He grabbed my arm but I yanked my arm out of his grip and walked away. I heard him laugh a little. I went out and asked Min Hyuk for the papers for me to look at. I copied the notes down and went to the roof.

I fell asleep until I heard the bell. I woke up and saw Shownu in front of me.

"Oh! You scared me," I said holding my chest.

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