Fifty Two.

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Songs for this chapter are:

*Brave The Fall // Autumn Ruin

*Tales // Autumn Ruin

*Forgive Forget // Autumn Ruin

(Seriously check this band out)


Louis reached for my hand and I turned my gaze from Doctor Phillip's white walls to Louis' own concerned face.

"Thank you for coming with me again."

I tangled my fingers with his and smiled a small smile at him. "You don't need to thank me, I'm happy to be here." He smirked to himself but turned away to try and hide it, just as the Doctor's door creeped open.

"Louis! Come inside, how are you?" Doctor Phillips emerged from the room and caught sight of me causing his face to split open into a broad smile. "Harry! You came back! How lovely to see you again. Please come in." He stood aside and waited for us to walk into the room before closing the door behind us. Louis led me over to the green sofa, just like before, and we sat down. Doctor Phillips rested in the orange seat opposite us and I felt as though I was having a de ja vú.

"So Louis, how have you been feeling recently?" I let my eyes flick over to Louis and his expression shocked me. It wasn't the terrified pale look he'd worn the first time we had come here together, but rather he was smiling, causing little creases to appear round the corners of his lips. He gripped my hand tighter and looked towards me, allowing our eyes to meet. "Everything has been pretty good. we're engaged now, aren't we Haz?" I felt as he twisted the ring on my finger slightly and I broke the eye contact to look towards Doctor Phillips. He was smiling too and tapping his pen slowly on his notebook.

I didn't know if they were waiting for a response from me so I coughed nervously before nodding. "Yeah...yeah we are."

An awkward silence fell over the room as Doctor Phillips watched the two of us, a smile playing on his lips. The only sound to break the silence was of Doctor Phillips inhaling and sitting forward, breaking the distance between us. He scratched his beard slowly before putting his pen down and interlinking his hands.

"Louis. I think it's time. I think we can stop having regular sessions now."

My heart stopped beating and I snapped my head round to stare at Louis, trying to absorb all of his emotions as they happened. His eyes were wide and his smile had fallen, his mouth was opening and closing rapidly resembling a fish gasping for air. He gripped my hands tighter and I felt as they got clammy.

"I...I don't think I'm ready."

Doctor Phillips smiled in the way that Doctors do, his lips stretching thinly over his teeth as he pushed the notepad to one side. "Louis, this is going to be our last session. If, in the future, you feel you need some more time with me, my door is always open to you. I know you are ready, and I know you're not alone anymore.

Nineteen years ago you come to me and talked to me about the boy you were in love with and that is how our sessions continued. Now Louis, you have that man in your life and you have grown so much in that time.

There is nothing more I can offer you.

In the nicest possible way I have to let you go."

I started stroking my thumb gently over the back of Louis' hand as I watched him process Doctor Phillips' words. "I'm better?"

"Yes Louis, if that is how you wish to look at it. You're better." Another silence fell across the room and Louis brushed off my grip before standing up. Doctor Phillips copied him and held out his hand for Louis to shake but instead of taking it, Louis threw his arms around the Doctor's neck. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying but he started mumbling something into the crook of Doctor Phillps' neck, probably thanking him or saying goodbye.

I stood up too and began wiping my sweaty palms up and down the thigh of my jeans. Louis turned to face me again and my heart stopped beating for the second time, seeing his tear stained cheeks and glistening eyes. My mouth dropped open and Louis walked towards me wrapping his arms around my waist. I moved my arms from his grip and shimmied them up so my hands were cupping his cheeks. I gently ran my thumbs under both his eyes, wiping away all his tears. "Don't cry Lou, I promise everything is going to be okay."

"That's why I am crying, because I know things have worked out. You're all I have dreamed about since the moment I met you and now I'm holding you in my arms again. Not many people can say that they've done that in their life time Haz." I chuckled under my breath and stopped swiping my thumbs over his cheeks and instead, lent in to kiss him. His lips were soft and kissed me back gently before pulling away.

We said our goodbyes to Doctor Phillips and Louis led me outside to the car park. We hadn't even stepped outside the automatic doors when Louis raced forward and spread his arms out, like he was a child imitating a plane. He ran around in a quick circle then stood facing me, calling out to me.

"I'm freeee Harry, I'm freee! I have to phone Niall! He'll be so happy!"

I stepped up my pace to meet him as he beckoned me over. He used one arm to pull me into him and the other to fish for his phone in his pocket. We stopped walked as Niall's dialling tone started to ring and I held my breath waiting for him to answer. A husky Irish accent picked up with a serious "Hello." Louis rolled his eyes and his smile widened.

"Wow mate, you sound cheerful. Thought you'd be happier to hear from your best friend in all the world."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. You know Lisa is ovulating and we're trying again, she just called me upstairs when the phone rang." Louis burst out laughing and I used my hand to cover my mouth so Niall wouldn't know I was listening. "Sorry to interrupt your shag pad but I have some good news."

"Better be fucking brilliant mate."

"I got discharged from counselling finally today. I just had my last session." Niall inhaled sharply on the other side of the phone and I felt my pulse accelerate from hearing Louis say those words. "For real?"

"For real." Louis repeated Niall's words sternly back to him. "Jesus, wow. I'm so happy for you, finally! Does this have anything to do with Harry?" Louis chuckled and gripped my side tighter. "It has everything to do with Harry."

"Look, mate I am so happy for you. Really proud."



"Thank you. For everything. I don't think I thank you enough for absolutely every last thing you did for me. You are the reason I am alive and you are an incredible person. I love you man."

"Nah shut up you, leave that lovey dovey shit for Harry. It was all worth it, you're a good lad. This is getting deep so I'm going to go, proud of you."

"I know, talk later, bye...bye."


Louis pressed the red end button and we both stood staring at his screen.

"Wow I...guess this is where life starts?" I nodded in agreement with him as he pulled me in closer to kiss me, rougher than before, on the lips.

The Story of Us // L.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora