Chapter 1- Pool of Water

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This story will feature violence. Just a warning. Also not all of these events happened. But anyway enjoy :)

"Come on Benjen." I shouted as I ran in front of him. Picking up my speed with every step I took. Whereas he was well far behind. The air was crisp and cold, but just how I liked it.

"Lyanna, stop. Let me rest." He called and a small giggle escaped my lips. He's so slow. Always has been slow to do things since the day he was born.

"All that training and this is what you end up like." I shouted back and stopped in my tracks as I got to the heart tree. The wind began to nibble at my cheeks but I quickly ignored it.

Finally Benjen caught up with me and took a seat on a fallen tree. This was the perfect time to get him back for hitting me with that blind sword and actually cutting the skin on my arm. I quietly picked up a branch from the ground and whacked it round his head. He fell to the floor with a whimper, but was quick to regain his strength.

He sprung from the floor holding a branch like mine and swung for me. I quickly ducked and as he went for me again I blocked the hit with my branch. A smile grew on Benjen's young face as he looked at me. He underestimated me greatly. With one swift move I pushed him back and whipped the branch across his thigh. As the pain hit him he wobbled on his feet and went crashing down.

He fell straight into pool of water behind him with an almighty crashed. The laughter quickly fell from my lips and tears began to form in my eyes with how much I was laughing. Benjen flew his arms and legs around in the deep water as he tried to keep his head from going under.

"Lyanna," He called. "Help."

I looked back at him to see he was actually going under. Can't this boy swim? I kneeled to the ground and pulled him out with all my strength. Benjen shook with fear as I held him.

"What person doesn't know how to swim?" I asked angrily.

"A person who doesn't actually live anywhere near water." He spat back angrily.

"I know how to swim and I live in exactly the same place as you." I said as I pulled him back to his feet. My green dress was now wet and I know Mother will have something to say about this.

"No you don't, you're just saying that Lyanna." Benjen shook his head to get the water out of his hair and began to walk off.

I quickly followed him. "Actually Benjen I taught myself."

Benjen nodded his head and that's when Ned walked out from the trees. He held a sword in his hands and shook his head when he saw us.

"Look at the state you two are in. Father will not be happy." Ned said as he walked towards us.

"I don't care what Father has to say. It's my name day tomorrow and I will do what I please." I said. It was indeed my sixteenth name day tomorrow and it's what I've been looking forward to all my life. When I was only a young child my Father promised me a sword, and that he would give it to at the age of sixteen.

Ned looked at me and shook his head. I ran off into the woods, leaving Ned and Benjen alone. I needed time alone, it was the only thing that kept me going. Since I was the only girl in the family I always had to fend for myself. If i wanted help with something I didn't get it. If I wanted my Fathers attention I didn't get it. Nobody really cared for me.


Sorry it's really short and it's the first chapter, but I promise you the chapters will get longer.

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