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They had done it again.

Dan Howell dragged his shoes against the pavement, not eager to get home. He had almost succeeded in getting out of school in time, but they had caught him again. They beat him up behind the building, then left him to hurt.

If you knew Phil Lester, you defiantly knew he had no mercy. If you pissed him off, he wouldn't hesitate to kill you. He was covered in tattoos and he always wore band t-shirts. The front of his blue fringe was lightly tinted blue, and he had pierced ears along with gauges. Everyone at school was scared of him, and he was described as the devil himself. He had a large group of followers, and they were the only ones safe from his antics. He wasn't the guy you wanted to mess with.

Dan hadn't messed with him, though. Phil just beat him up for fun because he was "easy".

Dan let out a sigh as he gave his sleeve an extra tug down, make sure his cuts and bruises didn't show. He didn't want his family to know, not like they'd care, anyway.

Dan's family was completely Christian and homophobic. His father was the pastor at their church, and his mother was a teacher at the local elementary school. You'd think they were a nice, healthy family.

In reality, they were just a homophobic, judgmental family with a gay son. Basically, Dan really has no one to turn to.

The brunet finally arrived at his front door. He slowly turned the shiny, brass knob, pushing the wooden structure open. He slipped inside silently, quietly shutting the door behind him. He darted up the stairs and ran to his room, dropping his bag somewhere behind him as he threw himself onto his bed.

He wrapped his limbs around his pillow as pressed his face into the top of it, sobbing silently. His face contorted into an expression of pain and sadness as he took husky gasps of air, failing to calm down as he soaked his pillow.

He cried because of his life, he cried because of his parents, and he cried because whenever he had touched someone, he had never glowed.

It hurts.

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