Satan's Lies About Sex

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Well over a year ago, when I first started making a commitment to purity and took a summer course at my church, I was given a book we were to read a few chapters and watch a video on called And the Bride Wore White by Dannah Gresh. And sadly, I did not pick up the book and read it cover to cover until almost a year later and the end of my freshman year, almost two weeks after I was anointed in the Holy Spirit.

But I do not regret the procrastination. I think that if I had read it in the summer before my freshman year I would have never gained from it the way I did when I read it. I wouldn't be who I am today in the October of my sophomore year. I wouldn't have done the things I did that God wanted me to do. I wouldn't have grown fully, for when I read it my eyes were opened even more through the Spirit. Would I even be on Wattpad anymore? Would I be able to write this like I am for you guys? I thank God for where He has put me today, and I pray that God will help me and use my words to bring you where He wants you to be, like He has for me.

Have you ever watched a movie where people in a war have a 'secret weapon'? Usually it's a weapon or a robot or a bomb or even a person. And they have complete faith in their weapon because of the element of surprise- you know, as long as the enemy doesn't find out.

Have you ever sang the song "I'm In The Lord's Army"? Well it's true! When we accept Jesus into our hearts and lives we become soldiers in His army, battling against the enemy.

But who is the enemy?


The evil snake of hell. The father of lies. The beginning of all sickness, pain, and anything else bad in the world.

He is the Lord's enemy as well as ours. And as our enemy, he wants desperately to bring us down. And he has certain tactics or 'secret weapons' to destroy us. And the only reason they work is because we let him.

For example, if you don't have high esteem about your image, he may bring someone into your life that makes you feel beautiful, then that person will try to pressure you into sin.

In my own experiance, the devil knows I love and care majorly for my friends and family. So I started seeing my loved ones attacked by the devil- to get to me. Satan told me it was all my fault, that I should have rescued them, that I should have done something more for them, when really I did everything I could. But I had to stop crying, and run to Jesus, (hint, hint, wink, wink) and hand it all over to Him, trusting that His Will will be done- His good and perfect will.

Satan really is a genius. He has all these plans and tactics. And he has patience. Amazing patience. He has so many 'secret weapons'. And he has two major ones to keep you from pursuing a lifestyle of purity.

Lies. Two Lies.

Are you ready to know satan's 'secret weapon'?

Satan sadly has the upper hand. So break it.

Satan's Two Lies About Sex: (From Bride by Dannah Gresh)

1) "God is holding something from you!"

"You will not die," the serpent said to the woman. "God knows that when you eat [the fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing all Good and Evil." Genesis 3:4,5

Remember the girl I told you about in the last chapter? She was beautiful, popular, and had the hottest guy in the school. So many girls were jealous of her. She had what they all wanted. But was she happy? Not at all. In fact, she was so messed up inside, so lost and hurt. Even if she was having an intimate relationship with the "hottest" boy in school.

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