Chapter 8: Innocent Strength...and Pure Resolve

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"Don't give in" called Tema seriously "You can do it" Yumi felt a sense of strength flow through her

"He...believes in me" said Yumi gripping her scythe tightly "I...won't give in" Yumi just managed to move Rafiel's weapon to her side, making it smash in the grass with considerable force.

Rafiel quickly retracted his weapon and this time swung the axe-end. Yumi parried the axe with her scythe blade while manoeuvring around him. Alana was watching with great surprise "I never thought Yumi would be capable of this. I can only think Tema is a great influence. However...if Rafiel is who he says he is. We're all in danger"Yumi had dodged the last attack and began swinging her scythe at Rafiel.

 Rafiel appeared to easily sway and block her attacks "this is rather easy" mocked Rafiel "you're only making a fool of yourself" as Rafiel stepped backwards he failed to notice his foot was stuck in a hole his hammer had made before "what?" as Rafiel struggled to free his foot Yumi was running towards him

"I've got you now" said Yumi swinging her scythe. Rafiel managed to free his foot and jumped backwards only just managing to avoid the blade.

As Rafiel landed he then felt a pain on his cheek. Rafiel had a cut along his cheek to which blood  dripped down his face to the floor. The girl sentinel called Z whistled "not bad for a bio-regressed sentinel. Now many people have actually been able to hurt Rafiel" Rafiel had hung his head "and even less...have lived to tell the tale. I just hope he remembers we need the girl alive" as Yumi readied herself Tema looked at Rafiel. Both Tema and Yumi then felt a sinister chill, which went down their spines

"what...what is this feeling?" said Tema looking at his trembling hand "I suddenly feel...terrified"

As Tema looked back at Yumi she too looked very scared "you...will pay for that" said Rafiel in a very quiet but angry tone "you don't seem to realise I'm trying to save you. You disrespectful little brat!" suddenly lightning surged all around his body and the earth seem to just split apart and partially rise up around his leg "you will pay for that" Yumi began flinching backwards while Tema was petrified

"he's a...weapon sentinel but...that's...real lightning? And the Earth?" Tema's whole body was shaking "Aurora...please...hurry. I need you"

From inside the mansion, the party was still going on as normal everyone oblivious. Aurora was talking happily to Jo and Blaze "...we'll have to do this shopping trip again"

"I very much enjoyed the day myself" said Blaze "We will have to do it again"

"yeah we will" said Aurora smiling but then she suddenly froze looking very worried

"Aurora" said Blaze noticing her face "what's wrong?"

"Blaze...can you feel that?" said Aurora in a trembling voice "that...sinister power. It"

Blaze was a bit perplexed but after focusing for a moment Blaze too reacted. Blaze's eyes widened "yeah...I feel it too" Blaze looked round "it seems no-one else can feel it. But where's it going from?"

"I don't know" said Aurora worriedly "but...I've got this horrible feeling. Something is really wrong" Aurora heard a voice in her head

"Aurora...please...hurry" Aurora then reacted

Beyond The Soul: KaiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora