Chapter One: A Meeting With Roku

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"But you're not alone." Katara smiled. "You've got me. And Sokka, and Toph, and Zuko. We're all here for you." 

"I know. You're my family. Thank you for that." 

She let her finger trail the blue Airbender tattoo stretching across his forehead and going all the way to the back of his neck, sending pleasant chills down the young Airbender's spine. "I love you, Aang."

"I love you too, Katara," he said, without a hint of doubt tainting his voice.

* * * * *

Far away, into the depths of the Fire Nation's Capital City, under a small, red-roofed pavilion in the Palace Garden, Firelord Zuko and his girlfriend, Mai, were feeding the turtle-ducks by the pond with fresh corn. The youngest turtle-ducklings chased one another while picking the little seeds, using their food mostly for play rather than to sate their hunger. Mai smiled down at them, entertained by the sight of them creating random patterns on the water's surface. 

"I like it when you smile like that," Zuko said and stroked her cheek. 

Mai kissed him gently and absentmindedly she tossed the whole pouch with the corn into the pond, where the little turtle-ducklings welcomed it excitedly. 

Zuko instantly recognised the characteristic sound of his uncle sipping tea coming from behind him. Both Mai and he looked at the grey-haired, long-retired general. "Uncle Iroh," Zuko said, waving. 

"Excuse us, Mai. Would you mind if I stole him from you for a while?" Iroh asked, in his usual kind voice. 

"Of course. Go ahead," Mai said, nodding and putting some distance between her and the pavilion. Zuko's eyes followed her as she left the gardens and eventually he decided it was rude ignoring his uncle because he was looking at his girlfriend. 

"I didn't expect you to be up already. Did you rest well?" the scarred Firelord asked. His uncle had arrived last noon after a day and a half's sail; it was a tiring trip indeed. 

"The palace's beds cannot be compared to any other, I have to admit," Iroh said between sips. "Would you like some jasmine tea? I just made it, the pot is almost full." 

Zuko shook his head and muttered, "No, thanks." The old general placed the china on the pavilion's banister, looking at the pond. The turtle-ducks were still busy picking on the floating corn. "How long are you planning to stay?" 

"Not too long, Prince Zuko. I don't want to lose all my customers in Ba-Sing-Se," Iroh said, laughing wholeheartedly. "If the teashop doesn't open again soon, they're going to go and find a different one." 

"You make the best tea in the city. They'll gather like fireflies around a lantern lit at night as soon as you return," Zuko assured him. 

"Oh, I hope so. It gets lonely when the shop is empty now that I don't have you around." 

"Maybe I could come to stay for a while. Try to earn the trust of Ba Sing Se's citizens," Zuko offered. Who would have known, that after all this time, he would want to live like a simple peasant and help at his uncle's tea shop. 

"No, Zuko. Your place is here now. You have to stay here and take care of your Nation. The world is still filled with too much anger and hatred towards our people for you to come out in the open, especially in Ba Sing Se. Don't forget that Azula created mayhem there not too long ago." 

"But I'm not like her!" Zuko exclaimed. "I've been in Ba Sing Se before. Nobody said anything!" 

"Back then you looked like one more fugitive, chased down by the Fire Nation. You won't be treated with the same pity and concern now that you're the new Firelord." 

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