Chapter 4: Drive me home!

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I asked her if she could be an angel and drive me home, but she refused and wanted me at her house. At first it was very nice, but after a while she began to give me looks I didn't like.
When I remembered the torture tools in the basement. I didn't really wanna know but... I couldn't just NOT ask...

"Sis? Why do you have t-torture tools in the basement?" I ask shyly, afraid of what the answer could be. I saw the insecurity in her eyes.

"Ehhm.. E... Because I... It's like, i buy them cheep, and sell them with higher price" she said nervous, without looking at me. I could see that she is hiding something.
I nodded and tried my best to make it look real, not a I-don't-trust-you nod.

"Well i have been here for a half an hour, so can you drive me home now?" I ask. After I asked about the tools... I saw she didn't really want me here.

"No, you can get home by yourself.." She murmured, loud enough for me to hear.

"You brought me here, you bring me back!"
She stares at me and is about to say something, but stops when I yell.

"I don't even know where I am! You have to at least tell me where to go!"

Anger built up inside her, pice by pice. She was not a killer... Could she? No that's ridiculous!
But... I haven't been around for the last years, much could have happened..

"Duh, I can see you are hiding something... Why do you have the things in the basement? Cate.."
I know I asked the question she didn't want me to ask. I wasn't afraid anymore, she is my sister, she's not going to torture me, or kill me...

She took a deep breath, and nodded..
"Well, you see... You know my friend Clark? Yea? She gave me these tools some days after an accident... A little kid walked in her house and saw something he was not supposed to see.
And called the police immediately. She didn't want to loose the tools so she drove them to me and said a had I keep them till she gets out of prison, and I have tried them sometimes on -"

I interrupt her by saying
"You.. You have used them on innocent people!" I was completely shocked, she have used them on people! I backed away from her. She's a monster!

"Nonono! You don't understand! I have used them on dead animals!-"

"Have you killed them?!" I yell-ask. I was too uncomfortable in this house and wanted to go home, I ran toward the door, but she stops me by taking my arm

"Let me explain!" She yells to me and shaking my body. Tears rolling down my cheek.

"Ok ok! Just let go!" I say. She looks me in the eyes and let's go slowly.
We sat down on two chairs that were near by.

"Well, explain" I say and dries the last tear away from my cheek.

"The animals I have tried it on died of natural causes. And I was just curious on how they worked, don't think of me like a killer" she said softly. I looked down the stairs, the darkness is climbing up. I looked back at her and a silence went over.
After what I thought was an entire lifetime I broke the silence and said

"Eehhh... Can you please drive me home?"
She nods and gets up.

I walked out of the house and felt a lump loose in my stomach.
I open the car door and gets inside, Cate gets a key and locks the house and walks towards the car, the door on the driver seat opens and Cate gets inside.

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