Chapter 22- saving Ace

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We stealthily walked toward the house, Alex and I were under one window and Sammy and Zach were under another, that went on until all the front windows had someone under it.

We all peeked in and saw a pretty normal house, the only weird thing about it was that it had plastic over all of the furniture,
Almost like they were trying to protect it from something...but what?

Someone walked into the room and we all ducked down, we waited for a few more seconds then we looked again, we all immediately recognized the three people. Brittany, Stan, and David. I motioned for everyone to follow me.

We all walked around the house and I found a glass door. I pulled to see if it was unlocked and- luckily -it was. I slowly and quietly slid it open and we all snuck in.

I weaved my way through the house and eventually peaked around the corner and saw the trio sitting on the couch. They were watching TV which was kind of weird seeing as they had someone tied up and being held hostage upstairs...but I mean they were still teenagers. I saw the stairs next to me and quietly snuck up them. I was so glad none of them were squeaky.

I walked into the room at the far end of the hallway that was open slightly. I saw Ace tied to a chair, his arms were tied to the arms, and his feet to the legs. He had a duck tape on his mouth, I can't see it but I bet he is almost smiling. I could tell he was happy to see us by the way his eyes lit up. I put my finger to my lips and he nodded.

"I'm going to go check on Ace. I will be right back." I hear a girl say, the only girl was Brittany, I could hear her heels clicking against the wooden stairs.

I snuck behind the door while the boys went into a closet and the girls went into the shadows.

She walked in and up to Ace. "Hey baby." She whispered in his ear. She kissed his cheek and I noticed he had a few bruises and cuts. She kissed the corner of his lips and he squirmed. "Come on, don't be like that." She said slapping him. "What's it to you if he's like that?" I asked stepping out from behind the door. To say that she looked surprised would be an under statement. "How did you find us?!" She asked. "You guys left clues and hints." I said in a 'duh' tone. "No we didn't." She said cocking an eyebrow. "Then who did?" I asked and her face went pale. "BOYS!" She yelled and they came running up the stairs and into the room. "How many of there are you?" She asked me. "Come on out guys." I said and everyone stepped out of the shadows and walked up next to me.

To be honest we looked pretty epic, like some sort of action movie.

"Three to ten, surrender or there will be a fight." I said. "First," she said turning to Stan and David. "Which one of you left clues and hints as to where we were." She asked and David slowly raised his hand. She slapped him, hard. So hard that he fell to the floor, unconscious. "Look...I know your my enemy and all and you kind of have my boyfriend tied up and your psycho...but that was one hell of a slap." I said and she smiled a small smile showing that she took the complement.

"Make that two to ten." I said and her smile quickly turned into a scowl. "Give me my boyfriend." I said. She walked over to Ace and walked behind him. "Sure." She said, she shoved Ace's chair forward and it tipped making him fall on his side. But he was only a couple feet away from us now. I motioned to the boys to get him. They picked up the chair and brought him behind me. They started untying him while the girls and I just stood there. "You aren't leaving here without a fight, just so you know." She said smirking. I looked down at David who was starting to stand up. "I've taken you all down before, I think I can do it again." I said.

"But this time...we have weapons." She said taking out a gun. David clumsily took out a knife and Stan took out a knife.

"Bring it on." I said running towards Brittany. Zach ran for Stan and all of the girls ran towards David while Nathan and Ivan stayed back to untie Ace.

I grabbed the barrel of Brittany's gun and grabbed her wrist. I yanked her wrist towards me and took the gun from her. I tossed it aside and since I watch way too much female WWE wrestling, I have pretty much memorized all of the wrestling moves, I have always wanted to try AJ-lee's black widow, it's now or never.

I did the black widow perfectly then leaned forward so that she stumbled into the wall, knocking her out cold.

I looked around and saw the girls had all knocked out David and were untying Ace with Ivan and Nathan because they couldn't get it, I saw Zach was struggling with Stan so I went over to him and tried to help. I tried pressing the pressure point but he had something hard over it making me just hurt my fingers. I backed away so I could actually see what Zach's situation is. I saw Stan had the knife raised in the air, about to stab Zach. I ran forward as he was about to stab him and reached out. The knife stabbed through my arm leaving a big gash. I felt pain spread through my arm. I screamed in pain and Stan took the knife out of my arm smirking. "Your going to regret that." I said shoving Zach backwards toward everyone else. I kicked Stan in the throat and he started coughing, dropping his knife in the process. I kicked the knife away while using my good hand to shove Stan. He tripped on something and stumbled backwards. He regained his balance but he was facing the other way. I kicked his butt and he stumbled forward, going head first into the window, he didn't shatter it, just cracked it and passed out.

I heard cheers behind me and I spun around and they all have me hugs while being careful of my arm. Ace was the last person to hug me. After he pulled away from the hug and I kissed him roughly. "Those lips are mine, remember that!" I said and we all laughed. "What happened any way? I came home and you room was the only one trashed and Mocha was hurt and locked in a closet." I said.

"Well, I came home and fell asleep and I woke up to someone covering my mouth, I tried getting out of their grip and I eventually did and made a mess in my room while doing so. Apparently Mocha was chewing one of their pants or something in a attempt to help so Stan kicked her and shoved her in a closet. I was then knocked out and I woke up and I was here. She then tried to seduce me... It didn't work. Don't worry. And they hit me a few times, then you guys showed up and saved me." He said. I was still mad from hearing about Stan kicking Mocha. "HE KICKED HER!" I yelled. "Wow, your boyfriend got beat up, kidnapped, almost seduced, and more and your worried about Mocha who is as of now fine?" Zach said laughing. "HE KICKED HER!" I yelled again. I stomped up to Stan who was starting to wake up because he didn't get as much of a beating as the others did. "YOU KICKED HER!" I yelled and he looked frightened. He stood up completely and I grabbed his hair bringing his head down to my knee. "YOU KICKED HER!" I yelled again and I kicked him in the ribs and was about to stomp on his junk when someone pulled me back. "Calm down momma bear." I hear Ace whisper in my ear. "Oh! Gross!" He said taking his hand off my arm. I looked and saw his hand covered in blood from my stab wound.

"Come on, let's go home." I said. They all agreed and we were about to leave when I decided to leave a note.

Look, we won't tell anyone about this and neither will you. Understand? Good. If you do then we tell authorities. If you don't your heads will remain on your bodies...for now. ~you-know-who-_-

"Okay, now let's go." I said and we all walked out.

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